Understanding a Coparcener and Property Rights in a Hindu Undivided Family

Understating your rights to your property is crucial to your existence, no matter which country you are living in. However, most of the time, ordinary citizens have no in-depth idea about legal terminologies related to property rights. When it comes to Hindu Law and property rights, coparcener is a concept that is at the centre of your rights to property. But what is the coparcener meaning in law? Or rather, what is meant by coparcenary in Hindu law? This article is an attempt to give an overall idea of a coparcener and its relation to property rights in a Hindu family.   

coparcener and property rights

Things we covered for you


What Does Coparcener Mean?

The word coparcener has its origin in the Late Middle English era and, according to Lexico, coparceners mean a person who has equal shares with others in the inheritance of an undivided estate. The Collins dictionary defines the term as a person who is a coheir and inherits an estate with others. In the context of Hindu laws, a coparcener is a person who has a legal right to his ancestral property by birth.  

What is a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)?

What is a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)?
Hindu Undivided Family

The joint or undivided state of a Hindu family is presumed to be a normal condition in Hindu society. The whole concept of a joint Hindu family starts with a common ancestor. An undivided Hindu family includes all persons who descended lineally from that common ancestor including the wife (or wives) and unmarried daughters. To constitute a joint Hindu family, there must be two members whether male or female. A Hindu joint family comes into existence because of this common ancestor; however, the continuance of this joint family does not depend on his existence. According to Sir Dinshah Mulla, a daughter is no longer a part of this joint family after her marriage as she is now a part of her husband’s family. 

What is Coparcenary Property in Hindu Law?

What is Coparcenary Property in Hindu Law?
Coparcenary Property in Hindu Law

The ancestral property of this joint family is known as coparcenary property which does not include the self-acquired properties. If the property is inherited by the four generations of the male lineage, it is called the ancestral property. Even though Hindu Law gives the power to manage this ancestral property to the head of a Hindu Undivided Family or Karta, the rights over this ancestral property or coparcenary property in Hindu Law are shared by the coparceners. 
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Who is Referred to as the Coparcener Under the Hindu Law?

A Coparcenary under Hindu Law is a narrower body than the Hindu joint family itself by definition. Before there is the commencement of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, the concept of coparcenary under Hindu law typically related to a coparcener was the male member of the family who acquired their interest in the coparcenary property by birth. The eldest member of a HUF and the following three generations constitute a coparcenary under the Hindu Law. This means the list of coparceners in a coparcenary is made of the head of the family or Karta along with his sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons. Following the Mitakshara system, this interest over coparcenary property is acquired by birth. Whenever there is a birth of a son in the family, he becomes a coparcener in HUF and acquires his undivided interest over the coparcenary property naturally. This means the share of coparceners in a property is not static. It can be diminished or enlarged by the birth or death of any other members of the coparcenary respectively. However, one’s interest in the property remains undivided.     

What are the Rights and Duties of a Coparcener in HUF?

What are the Rights and Duties of a Coparcener in HUF?
Rights and Duties of a Coparcener

There are some rights and limitations of a coparcener under the Hindu Succession Law. These are:

Communal Interest and Possession

According to Hindu Law, under no circumstance, a coparcener enjoys exclusive possession of or any special interest in coparcenary property. The members of a coparcenary have a shared unity when it comes to their right over such a property.
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Share of the Coparceners

As a coparcenary follows the Mitakshara system, the share of a coparcener is decided by the survivorship. The share fluctuates whenever there is a birth or death in the family. This share becomes defined only in the case of a partition. 

Right to Joint Possession

Every member of a Coparcenary has the right to joint possession and to enjoy ancestral property. One can exercise this right to possession if he is ostracised by the other members of the family. 

Right of Maintenance

A coparcener is entitled to receive maintenance from the estate of his family. He is to receive this maintenance for his wife and children. In the case of his children’s marriage or any other ceremony, he is entitled to receive money from the property. 

Restraining Improper Use

If any coparcener misuses the family estate or attempts unauthorised altering of the material condition of the estate, other members can restrain him under Hindu Law.

Right to Demand Partition

According to the Hindu Succession Law, both the minor and adult coparceners have the right to demand a partition of the family property. However, this does not mean he can claim a definite share as they become definite only after the partition.
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Right to Alienation

No member of a coparcenary, including the Karta, has the right to alienate his interest over ancestral estate under usual circumstances. However, only the Karta of the family has the power to alienate joint family property only if there is any legal necessity, for the benefit of the estate, or to take care of other indispensable duties like religious duties.

Right to Manage

The Karta of a HUF has the power to manage the family estate. However, that does not affect the interest and share of the other coparceners. 

What are the Recent Amendments for a Coparcener?

What are the Recent Amendments for a Coparcener?
Recent Amendments for a Coparcener

Can women become coparceners?

Before the Supreme Court of India modified the Hindu Succession Act, of 1956, married women in India had no legal standing to inherit their husband’s family property. According to the laws of antiquity, women couldn’t legally serve as coparcenaries.

The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, of 2005, which made changes to the succession law, officially recognised women as coparceners. As of today, the family’s sons and daughters are both co-owners of the home. A daughter’s participation in the property continues even if she marries, and upon her death, her offspring automatically become coparticipants in the property. The legal status of a daughter in regard to ownership was murky until 2005.
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Until the rule was changed in 2005, all coparceners of a HUF were men, while women were simply members. Since they were different, their legal protections were different. Daughters and mothers were only entitled to maintenance payments from the HUF’s assets, but a coparcener might legally seek a division of the property. They would get half of whatever was divided when that happened. However, they lacked the legal grounds for a divorce.

When a daughter gets married, she automatically ceases to be a member of the HUF and, as a result, loses any claim she may have had to maintenance payments or a share of the HUF’s assets in the event of a partition of those assets after the marriage. Additionally, women were not permitted to become Karta of a HUF; only men were.

Daughter’s Rights to a Property Post-2005

Until very recently, under the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, women of a HUF did not have any right over ancestral property. An unmarried woman was a part of a joint Hindu family till her marriage and never a part of the coparcenary. With the amendment of the Hindu Succession Law in 2005, the Supreme Court of India gave the daughters equal rights in their ancestral property.Headed by Justice Arun Mishra, a three-judge bench passed the verdict that daughters are also coparceners by birth and will remain so throughout their lives even if the father is dead before the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Law,2005 came into effect. Therefore, daughters now also possess the power to demand a partition.

However, we should keep in mind the fact that a married daughter is no longer considered a part of the HUF; she is only a part of the coparcenary. At the same time, only a daughter born in that joint family is a part of the family’s coparceners. Any other woman who is a part of that family through any marital alliance is not a coparcener of that family.  

A Married Daughter’s Right to Property Under the Hindu Succession Amendment Act (2005)

It is important to note that in the case after the marriage of a daughter, the daughter ceases to be a part of her parental HUF, but rather continues to remain a coparcener. That means, she is also entitled to request for the partition of her HUF property and also become the Karta (in case she is the eldest). After the case of the married daughter’s death, entitled children will receive the shares. However, a daughter cannot gift the HUF property’s share while she is alive but can pass it on to the legal heirs upon her passing. The top court bench noted as per press reports: “A perusal of Section 15 of the Hindu Succession Act, indicates that heirs of the father are covered in the heirs (of the property), who could succeed. When the heirs of the father of a female are included as a person who can possibly succeed, it cannot be held that they are strangers and not the members of the family qua the female.”

Can a Hindu Widow’s Parental-Side Kin Inherit Her Property as per Supreme Court Rules?

As per a recent update in the month of February 2021, a Supreme Court ruling noted that the family members on the parental side of a widow of a HUF family cannot be held as strangers, and rather her property can proceed to be devolved upon them as part of the Hindu Succession Act. As per the related case, it was clarified that the father’s heirs are covered as persons who are entitled to the property’s succession.

Impact on Women brought about by the 2005 Hindu Succession Amendment Act

Following the enactment of new language in Section 6 of Hindu Succession Act on September 9, 2005, females now have the same legal standing as sons when it comes to inheriting property and can use the coparcener designation.

A girl born into a combined Hindu household governed by Mitakshara law will, as of the date of the Act’s implementation, enjoy the same rights to her father’s coparcenary property as he does to his son’s. Partitions and bequests are just two examples of conveyances that are not affected by this provision because they occurred before December 20, 2004.

As a result, daughters can now act as the Karta of a HUF and ask for a fair share of the family’s property. But only daughters can make the transition from member to coparcener. This indicates that only the female members of the family are eligible for coparcenary status. HUFs recognise married women as full members in all respects. It is important to note that after a daughter marries, she will no longer be regarded as a member of the parents’ HUF. But the HUF will still count her as a coparcener. If she passes away, her children would be eligible to a portion of the HUF’s property when it is divided. In the event that she has no surviving children, her grandkids may be entitled to inherit her estate.

The Supreme Court has affirmed the coparcenary rights of daughters. Uncertainty about whether Section 6 is prospective or retrospective and whether it applies to women born after 2005 has led to differing interpretations of said 2005 amendment by several high as well as the Supreme Court over the past 15 years. According to a Supreme Court ruling from August 11, 2020 (Vineeta Sharma v. Rakesh Sharma & Others): daughters shall retain coparcenary rights on their father’s property even though he died well before Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 entered effect.

According to the revised Section 6 of the Hindu Succession Act, “daughters born before or after the change are given coparcener status (equal shareholders while inheriting properties),” giving them the same rights and responsibilities as sons when it comes to property inheritance. The Supreme Court concluded that the 2005 amendment was retroactive because “the right to coparcency is founded on birth,” meaning that the father of a coparcener need not be alive on September 9, 2005 (the day the statute took effect). However, the statement makes clear that any recorded settlements or partition litigation decreed before to December 20, 2004 will not be revisited.

Why a Coparcener may Claim a Partition of the HUF, but the Member cannot do the Same?

Why a Coparcener May Claim a Partition of the HUF, but the Member Cannot do the Same?
Coparcener may claim a partition of the HUF

A member in a HUF means all those people who are the lineal descendants of a common ancestor including the wives and the unmarried daughters. However, under Hindu Law, a coparcener is the male member born into that HUF and only a coparcener has the rights over the ancestral property. This means not all members of a Hindu family coparcener, thus, not all members can demand a partition. Only a coparcener can demand so. Here are some things to keep in mind regarding the partition of a coparcenary property:

Partition of a Coparcenary Property

Under the Mitakshara Law, a partition in a joint family not only means the division of the property but also the demolition of its joint status. This division of property is only limited to the coparcenary property and does not include any property acquired separately. The share of each coparcener can also be decided only after the partition. 

Who has the right to demand a partition?

Any coparcener can demand a partition whether minor or adult. This list of coparceners includes: 

  • Father
  • Son/ grandson/ great-grandson
  • After the amendment of 2005, daughters are also coparceners and can demand a partition.
  • On behalf of a minor coparcener, his/her guardian can demand a partition.

Modes of partition:

  • Partition by father
  • Partition by agreement
  • Partition by suit
  • Partition by conversation
  • Partition by arbitration
  • Partition by conversion to another religion
  • Partition by special marriage
  • Partition by notice

What are Some Important Points to Keep in Mind about the Alienation of Coparcenary Property?

The head of the family or Karta of a joint Hindu family can alienate the property with the consent of all the coparceners. However, a Karta can only alienate for the purposes like legal necessities, the benefit of the estate, or other unavoidable duties. Some things that you should keep in mind regarding the alienation of the coparcenary property are:

  • The nature of the necessity must be clear 
  • The necessity must not be illegal
  • The necessity must not alter the material condition of the estate
  • The necessity must not arise as a result of mismanagement of the Karta

In a Hindu Undivided Family coparcenary, a relationship exists naturally and this makes knowing about your coparcenary right even more important. You must be careful while handling your rights in coparcenary property and seeking some guidance from legal experts is always a better option. This is where NoBroker can help you. Our experts at NoBroker can help you manage your interest in your coparcenary. All you need to do is visit our legal section and drop your questions.   


Q1. What is a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)?

Ans. A Hindu Undivided Family consists of a common ancestor and all his lineal descendants including their wives and unmarried daughters. There should at least be two individuals to form a joint or undivided Hindu family. They can be male or female. Two female members can constitute a joint family. The existence of joint family property is not required for the existence of a joint Hindu family.

Q2. Who the difference between a member and a coparcener in Hindu Law?

Ans. Under Hindu Law, the coparcener is a term to indicate those male members of a Hindu family who have an undivided interest over the ancestral property by birth. They are the head of the family or Karta and the three subsequent generations of the Karta which include his sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons. After the 2005 amendment of the Hindu Succession Law, a daughter of the family is also considered a coparcener. Whereas all those people in a Hindu family who linearly descend from a common ancestor are called members including the wives and the unmarried daughters. Therefore, coparceners are the members of a joint Hindu family but not all the members of a joint family are coparceners. Moreover, a married daughter is a coparcener but no anymore, a member of a HUF.  

Q3. Is the self-acquired property being coparcenary property? What does the coparcener meaning imply?

Ans. No, the self-acquired property does not come under coparcenary. Coparcenary property has the meaning same as the term ancestral property of a joint Hindu family. Any property which is inherited up to three generations is known as ancestral property excluding the self-acquired property, thus, coparcenary property. The coparceners in a HUF have equal rights over coparcenary property but not over the self-acquired property.

Q4. Do women have rights over their paternal property?

Ans. When it comes to the rights of coparceners for women, according to the Hindu Succession Law, 1956, women were not considered a coparcener in a joint Hindu family. They did not have any right over their ancestral property before the 2005 amendment of the Hindu Succession Law. The 2005 amendment gave women equal rights over their ancestral property as their male counterparts. 

Q5. Who can demand a partition?

Ans. Any coparcener in HUF can demand a partition of coparcenary property. Under the Mitakshara law, a partition means the division of ancestral property as well as the severance of the joint status of the family. 

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Allotment Letter: Types, Format of Writing & More 2024

Allotment Letter: Types, Format of Writing & More 2024

Yes, we agree that searching for and getting the best property is the most challenging thing ever. But have you ever thought of the documentation process that goes in after the building is shortlisted? It’s whole another story to have found a house and get the documentation done for the same.  One such document that you might want to have a look at is the Allotment Letter. Documents like commencement certificate, title deed and so on are essential as well. But the most important one is the allotment letter in our opinion. 

What is an Allotment Letter?

In a country like India, an allotment letter is an essential document to purchase a property. Right after booking the house is received by the buyer, the builder issues an allotment letter. 

The first owner issues this document to the owner. Then the other owners can get a copy of the letter from the owner/seller. 

The following information is included in the allotment letter:

  1. Terms and conditions of construction
  2. Payment 
  3. Schedule of construction
  4. Basic important amenities
  5. The final amount to be paid to the builder
  6. The date of delivery 
  7. Builder’s liability if a delay happens.

Allotment Letter Meaning

An allotment letter is a contractual letter. It confirms that the share application of a company is successfully made. It is also known as a share ownership certificate.

Allotment letter meaning in Hindi

Allotment letter is known as आव‌ंटन का प्रमाण पत्र in( Aavantan ka praman patra) in Hindi.

Allotment letter meaning in Marathi 

Allotment letter is known as नियत वाटप पत्र  (Niyath Vatap Patra) in Marathi.

Format of an Allotment Letter

An allotment letter is an official document issued by a builder or housing authority to confirm the allocation of a property or asset to a specific individual. The format of an allotment letter typically includes details such as the name of the allottee, the location and size of the property, and the terms and conditions of the allotment.

How To Write an Application for Land Allotment Letter

Here is an allotment letter format for you as per the latest land allotment letter guidelines.

  • It starts with “To” and “Date” on the topic of the page. 
  • “To” is usually on the left top of the letter, and “Date” is on the right top of the letter. 
  • Then the letter starts with “Dear sir/ma’am “
  • Add all the essential details such as name, date, address, building name, carpet area etc.
  • And end the letter with your signature.
  • This is a standard form of letter format.

Flat Allotment Letter Format

the flat allotment letter
The flat allotment letter is allotted for the flat to be acquired by the buyer

If you want to book a property that is under construction, then you have to receive a flat allotment letter from the respective builder. The letter has specifications like the details of flat payment options and any extra amount to be paid for additional maintenance factors. It also has a fixed construction schedule, the date of delivery, the different house plans available, and the builder’s liability in case there is a delay in the flat delivery. In some cases, the applicant should submit the allotment letter of accommodation issued by the central government as proof of residence.

This letter is the most crucial letter for the buyer. When you want to get a bank loan to purchase a property, the builder of the society issues you (buyer) the allotment letter. This includes all the details regarding the property to be sold.

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What are the Contents of an Allotment Letter? 

The contents of an allotment letter typically include information such as the name and address of the allottee, the property description, the date of allotment, the payment terms, and other relevant details such as terms and conditions, transfer and resale policies, and penalties for default. The following are the common contents of an allotment letter:

  1. Name and address of the allottee: The letter should contain the name and address of the person or entity to whom the property has been allotted.
  2. Property description: The letter should provide a detailed description of the property, including its location, size, and other relevant details.
  3. Date of allotment: The letter should mention the date on which the property has been allotted to the allottee.
  4. Payment terms: The letter should clearly state the payment terms, including the amount of the initial payment, the mode of payment, and the due dates for subsequent payments.
  5. Transfer and resale policies: The letter should outline the policies and procedures for transferring or reselling the property.
  6. Penalties for default: The letter should specify the penalties or consequences for defaulting on the payment or violating any terms and conditions.

MHADA Allotment Letter Format: 

The MHADA allotment letter format typically includes details such as the name and address of the allottee, the location and size of the property, the date of allotment, and other relevant details such as payment terms and conditions, transfer policies, and penalties for default.

Request Letter for Quarter Allotment

A request letter for quarter allotment is a formal document addressed to the relevant authority requesting allocation of a quarter or residential unit. The letter typically includes details such as the name of the applicant, the purpose of the request, and any relevant supporting documents such as proof of employment or eligibility criteria. While a transfer request letter for government employees won’t directly secure an allotment letter for housing, it can be helpful if your request is based on needing to relocate for family reasons.

Allotment Letter for Flat Format

The allotment letter for a flat typically includes details such as the name and address of the allottee, the location and size of the flat, the date of allotment, and other relevant details such as payment terms and conditions, transfer policies, and penalties for default.

How to Write Application for Quarter Allotment

When writing an application for quarter allotment, it is important to include details such as the name and designation of the applicant, the purpose of the application, any relevant supporting documents such as proof of employment, and a polite request for allocation of a quarter or residential unit.

Home Allotment Letter

A home allotment letter is an official document issued by a builder or housing authority to confirm the allocation of a home or residential unit to a specific individual. The letter typically includes details such as the name and address of the allottee, the property description, the date of allotment, and the terms and conditions of the allotment.

Car Parking Allotment Letter Builder Format

The car parking allotment letter builder format typically includes details such as the name and address of the builder, the name of the allottee, the location and size of the parking spot, and the terms and conditions of the allotment, including the duration and charges.

Parking Allotment Letter Format

parking allotment letter format
One must know the parking allotment letter format for gaining the property for parking area construction by a company

It starts with the “company name” or the “name”. The address of the person or the company. Followed by salutation, subject, body and signature of the writer.

Quarter Allotment Letter Format

Quarter Allotment Letter Format
Quarter allotment letter format is the letter focused on asking the employer for a staff quarter

Here in this quarter allotment letter format, you focus on writing a letter to the manager or supervisor of your company to provide the facility of residence by the company for its employees and staff. You can undoubtedly change and write it as per your wish and need. There is no hard or fast rule for writing a quarter allotment letter.

Staff Quarters Allotment Letter Format

staff quarters allotment letter format

The staff quarters allotment letter format can be the same as the format of the quarter allotment format

Company House Allotment Letter Format

company house allotment letter format
company house allotment letter format

Company house allotment letter is written to allotting company house to the employees or secretaries by the company. 

Builder Allotment Letter Format

builder allotment letter format
Builder allotment letter format

{The builder allotment letter is issued by the builder at the time of initial payment of the flat. This amount is the initial booking amount. Customer can any day cancel such agreement and ask for a refund (if any mentioned in the deed)}

Car Parking Allotment Letter Format

car parking allotment letter format
Car parking allotment letter is written to the president or owner of the society asking them to allow parking space for your car

Car parking allotment letter can be written in any format as wished by the person requesting the parking space. It starts with the president/chairman, date and address. The subject of the letter then follows it. Respected ma’am/sir is added in the letter next. After this, you can start by writing your request. Your name, flat number, vehicle number and other card details.   In the end, you can add thank you and your name and send your request letter. 

Residential Plot Allotment Letter Format

People usually apply for the residential plot allotment letter after seeing the invitation for application in public papers. 

residential plot allotment letter format
The residential allotment letter is an essential document for getting a resident in a particular area

Hence such allotments are done by picking an application as a draw. All the applicants are provided with an allotment letter based on specific terms and conditions of issuance. Also, it depends on the mode of payment. 

How to Download Allotment Letter

You can download allotment letters from the internet and various other options on the internet. Allotment letter format is also available in a quick pick and fill format. You have to select an allotment letter format for any specific registration and fill it on the go. Allotment letters are essential, but many people don’t know the format and how to write a particular note in a specific form. Hence such ready-made letters are always helpful for writing a robust and appealing allotment letter.

House Allotment Application Format

A House allotment letter is usually helpful if you’re willing to book a house or a building that is yet to be constructed. This letter is written to the builder/owner of the property by the buyer. This letter cannot be written by a person who wants a building on rent.

House allotment application letter format is almost the same as flat allotment letter. But in this case, you write a letter to book the entire property/building and not just anyone flat.

Hence, knowing the format of house allotment letters is essential.

Mhada Allotment Letter

Maharashtra housing and area development authority (MHADA) develops homes for the middle class and lower-class people. 

To apply for an MHADA scheme, every applicant has to submit an application and a money deposit. The applicant should have raised an MHADA allotment letter and, at the same time, completed the eligibility criteria for applying. 

BDA Allotment Letter

The BDA application for quarter allotment is always in the benefit and favour of the owner, who is presently the original allottee of the allotment letter. The possession letter usually issued by BDA is always in favour of the owner that currently owns the property as per the possession letter format from the seller to the buyer. The record of handing over the property’s possession to the current owner is also done simultaneously. 

Hence, it can be said that an allotment letter is the most critical part of a property document. If you want to know more about getting an allotment approved, the process of approval and the documents required for applying for the allotment, then visit our page. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it safe to buy a property?

Ans: Yes. It is incredibly safe to buy a property.

Q: Is an allotment letter from the builder vital if I want a property at a mall?

Ans: If the mall is under construction, then you’ll need a letter of allotment of allocation.

Q: Is there any charge for the accommodation allotment letter? 

Ans: Yes. You’ll have to pay a specific amount as a fee to get an allotment letter.

Q: Should I follow a particular format while writing an allotment letter of property?

Ans: Yes. The format of an allotment letter is different for different property requirements.

Q: How to get my allotment letter approved?

Ans: The best way to get an allotment letter approved is by writing a good one as per the room allotment letter format with all the reasons you are requesting to buy a property. 

What is Patta Chitta – The Online Application Process Broken Down

What is Patta Chitta – The Online Application Process Broken Down

Patta Chitta is a crucial land record upheld by the Tamil Nadu Government, serving as proof of ownership and survey details respectively. Patta acts as a certificate of land ownership, issued by the Revenue Department, containing essential details like owner’s name, survey number, and land area. 

These documents play a pivotal role in legal transactions such as property sales, mortgages, or leases, ensuring the legitimacy of ownership. In Tamil Nadu, India, Patta Chitta is indispensable for establishing and registering property ownership and facilitating various legal procedures concerning land and real estate.

Chitta, on the other hand, is issued by the Survey and Settlement Department of the Tamil Nadu Government. It is a document that contains detailed survey information on a particular piece of land, including the boundaries, area, and other important details. The Chitta is also an important document as it is required for various legal transactions, such as the transfer of ownership of a property. 

To obtain a Patta and Chitta, individuals need to apply for them through the appropriate government department. The application process typically involves submitting the required documents, such as proof of ownership, survey plan, and payment of relevant fees. Once the application is processed, the Patta and Chitta are issued to the applicant.

It’s important to note that the Patta and Chitta are different from the land title deeds. Patta and Chitta are issued by the government and prove the ownership of the land while title deeds are issued by the courts and prove registration land details as well as the legal ownership of the land. The Patta and Chitta are also not the same as the building plans or the Encumbrance Certificate (EC). 

Building plans are issued by the local authorities and prove that the building on the land is as per the government norms, and EC is issued by the sub registrar’s office and proves that there are no legal liabilities on the land. In this blog, we’ll look at Patta Chitta in detail. Also, you can view your Patta Chitta online status on the Patta Chitta website.

Patta Chitta
Procedure on how to apply for Patta online/how to apply Patta Chitta online

What is Patta?

Patta is a government record containing land ownership, area of land, and the location with survey details. Verifying Patta documents will show that property is being bought from the rightful owner per the Government records and property survey records online while purchasing any property.

To have a clear property title, a valid Patta with the seller is a must for the land that he/she is selling. After purchasing the ground, the buyer must apply to the concerned Taluka office to transfer Patta to the buyer’s name to maintain a clear title. 

Patta Chitta
An example of a Patta document 

What is Chitta?

Maintained by the pertaining Village Administrative Officer (VAO) and Taluka office, Chitta is none other than a government document concerning immovable land. In the Chitta, the assortment of the land between Nanjai and Punjabi is rendered along with the property owner’s details. Land with plenty of water bodies is referred to as Nanjai. Land with fewer water bodies and facilities, such as bore-wells located in Punjabi, also falls under this category.

Patta Chitta
An image of the Patta Chitta document

How to Acquire Patta and Chitta?

The Government of Tamil Nadu has arranged tracking of Tamil Nadu land records in a computerised format bearing Patta and Chitta, and they have made the same available online.

Step 1: Go to Patta Chitta Online Website

The Patta Chitta website (Tamil Nadu) is available in English & Tamil. You can change the settings if you wish to view it in English.

Step 2: Select View Patta and FMB, Chitta, or TSLR Extract

Select the Patta and FMB, Chitta, or TSLR Extract and pick out the district where the property resides.

Step 3: Information of Property

They were accompanied with the survey number, and subdivision number, details like taluk, village, ward, and block are requisite by Patta Chitta online website or the Tamil Nadu land survey department website.

Step 4: Check the Patta Chitta from the Town Survey Register

Upon submitting the property details, the succeeding Certificate from the Town Survey Land Register would be issued online with information on the land or property. The Certificate would inherit points like construction characteristics on the property, municipal door number, locality, type of land, etc.

Reassigning Patta Chitta

Certain things that can modify the country’s prospects have been implemented by our government, such as the Digitalisation of the land record. There are many rules and specifications rolled out in Tamil Nadu’s state concerning online land records under this article. You can gain updates on your land documents, known as Patta Chitta documents, from the official website. These documents are required to digitise your land records in Tamil Nadu for 2021. You can easily apply for the Patta Chitta documents using the provided step-by-step instructions.

Patta Chitta
Patta Chitta reassigning

Tamil Nadu Patta

The government has blossomed since the launch of digitisation. Digitisation pertains to digitising actual indispensable documents regarding a specific procedure in the country. One such document that Tamil Nadu has relinquished is known as the Patta document. It consists of the owner’s name, including the number of Patta and the land survey number and subdivision. It also includes the respective district, taluk, village names, the dimensions or area of the land, and tax details. Lastly, it mentions whether the ground is a Wetland or Dryland.

These are the details included in the document. 

Chitta Land Ownership

The points about land and revenue are portrayed or shown to the residents through the Chitta document. It is primarily classified into the following categories: –

  • Wetland (Nanjai)
  • Dryland (Punjabi). 

Services available on Patta Chitta portal

  • Patta Chitta Online application
  • Check Patta Chitta online status
  • Verify Patta certificate
  • Transfer of Patta Chitta
  • View register extract
  • No application status
  • Verify Poramboke land

Documents Required

The following documents are needed if you are applying for the Patta Chitta documents as per the official website of the Tamil Nadu land records: –

  • Sale Deed for substantiation– the tahsildar or the concerned office must receive the original sale deed along with the photocopy.
  • Possession proof- to verify that your land belongs to you, one needs to issue identification. Following documents can be used as proof of residency.
    • Paid Tax Receipt
    • Electricity bill.
    • Encumbrance certificate.

Procedure to Change the Name in Patta

  • Go to the respective village administration office.
  • Ask for a name change form and fill it carefully.
  • Attach all the required documents like sale deed, tax receipt, electricity bill, encumbrance certificate, etc
  • Submit this form in the same office
  • It will take 30 days for the changes to reflect
Patta chitta
Patta Chitta name change procedure 

These changes are helpful and essential to safeguard your Patta Chitta and have no bickering or whatsoever from any official or person regarding your land or property.

How much does it cost to add Patta online in Tamil Nadu?

To add Patta online in Tamil Nadu, individuals need to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu government’s Revenue Department. The process of applying for Patta online involves filling out an application form and submitting it along with the required documents and a fee. The cost of applying for Patta online varies depending on the type of land and the extent of the land. It is recommended to check the official website for the current fee structure.

What can I do with my Patta after obtaining it in Tamil Nadu?

After obtaining a Patta in Tamil Nadu, individuals can use it for various legal transactions such as selling, mortgaging, or leasing of property. It is important to keep the Patta updated and in a safe place as it serves as proof of ownership of the land. If the Patta is lost or damaged, individuals can apply for a duplicate Patta by submitting the required documents and a fee.

Why is Patta an important document in Tamil Nadu?

Patta is an important document that serves as proof of ownership of a piece of land or property in the state of Tamil Nadu. It is required for various legal transactions such as selling, mortgaging or leasing of property. It also contains important details such as the owner’s name and the survey number of the land. Obtaining a Patta is also a necessary step in obtaining other important documents such as Chitta and Encumbrance Certificate (EC).

How can I view my land survey number details online in Patta Chitta?

Individuals can access the details of their land survey number online on the official website of the Tamil Nadu government’s Revenue Department. By entering the survey number, individuals can view the details of their land including the boundaries and the extent of the land in square feet.

What services are available on the Patta Chitta mobile app?

The Tamil Nadu government’s Revenue Department has launched a mobile app that provides various services related to Patta and Chitta. Users can apply for Patta and Chitta, view the status of their applications, check the details of their land, and make payments through the app.

How can I check the status of my TN Patta Chitta online?

Individuals can check the status of their TN Patta Chitta online by visiting the official website of the Tamil Nadu government’s Revenue Department. They can check the status of their application by entering their application number or survey number. They can also view the details of their land and download a copy of their Patta and Chitta online.

How do I transfer ownership of Patta Chitta?

To transfer Patta Chitta, individuals need to apply for a transfer of ownership through the appropriate government department. The process typically involves submitting the required documents, such as the current Patta, Chitta and the sale deed, and paying the relevant fees. Once the application is processed, the transfer of ownership will be registered.

How can I check the status of Poramboke land in Patta Chitta online?

Poramboke land refers to land that is not classified as private or government land. To check the status of Poramboke land in Patta Chitta online, individuals need to visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu government’s Revenue Department and enter the survey number of the land. The website will show if the land is classified as Poramboke land.

How do I check my Field Measurement Book (FMB) online?

FMB stands for ‘Field Measurement Book’ which is a record of the survey details of a piece of land. To check FMB online, individuals need to visit the official website of the Survey and Settlement Department of the Tamil Nadu government. They can check their FMB by entering the survey number of the land.

How can I cancel a Patta of land issued to another person by the taluk office?

To cancel a Patta of land issued to another person by the taluk office, individuals need to file a complaint with the taluk office and submit the required documents as proof of their ownership. The taluk office will then investigate the complaint and take appropriate action. The process may also involve a hearing and legal proceedings. It is advisable to consult with a lawyer for assistance in the process.

How does the digitisation of Adangal records benefit land records management in Tamil Nadu?

Adangal is a record of the land and its cultivators maintained by the Revenue Department of Tamil Nadu. The Tamil Nadu government has initiated the process of digitisation of Adangal records, which will make it more accessible and easier to update. This process will also help in reducing errors and delays in land records management.

How can I access my Patta Chitta through the mobile app?

The Tamil Nadu government’s Revenue Department has launched a mobile app that provides various services related to Patta and Chitta. Users can download the app on their mobile devices, register and login to the app. Once logged in, they can access their Patta and Chitta details and other land-related services. Users can also make payments and check the status of their applications through the app.

And now that we have broken down the property owner’s details and island ownership in the state of Tamil Nadu, concerning Patta Chitta, here’s a little something about Patta. It is written in Hindi as ( पट्टा) it is a type of land deed issued by the government to a person/organisation. It denotes a small piece of land that gives the owner benefits from the government.  We hope we have been able to clear all your doubts. If you’re looking to buy a new house, leave the hassles and paperwork to the experts at NoBroker. House hunting is made simple and stress-free, just click the link below to start your land search online now!  


Q1. How can I view Patta Chitta online?

Ans. If you want to view Patta Chitta’s online status, you can use the following steps.
Visit e-District.
Enter the ‘Application ID,’ and the mentioned ‘Captcha Values.’
Click on ‘Get Status,’ and you’ll be able to view the status of your application for the transfer of Patta Chitta.

Q2. How can I verify or validate Patta Chitta in Tamil Nadu?

Ans. To validate or verify your Patta certificate, you need to,
Visit the e-District official website.
Click ‘Verify Patta.’
Enter the ‘Reference Number’ and select ‘Submit.’

Q3. How can I transfer/reassign my Patta name online to Tamil Nadu?

Ans. The process to Apply for Patta Name Transfer
Land Register Document ( Patthiram )
Encumbrance Certificate (EC or Villangam )
Aadhar Card Copy.
Challan – Fee paid to Bank (Rs. 40/ survey number)
Online Patta Transfer Form (Applied through E-Sevai Maiyam )

Q4. How many days does it take to transfer Patta?

Ans. The new Patta document is generally issued within 15 to 20 days, along with the changes.

Q5. Is Patta a legal document?

Ans. Patta is a legal document, and it is a way to highlight land ownership legally.

Q6. Are there any types of Patta? What are they?

Ans. There are many characters of Patta. The most common is the Extract from Permanent Land Register, or Extract from Town Survey Land Register, and the Patta issued regarding holdings as per available records.

Q7. How can I download my Patta online?

Ans. You can download your Patta form and also use the same to apply for the Patta by visiting the website online. 

Q8. What is the meaning of Patta Chitta Adangal?

Ans.  The Taluk office takes care of this register which includes all the ownership points of all the landholdings. Chitta extracts from Patta provide the land and land information as well as the person or persons who are the landowners.

Q9. What is meant by Patta land?

Ans. The Government issues a Patta (legal document) in the name of the actual owner of a particular plot of land. It can also be provided for grounds having buildings or individual houses etc. It is necessary to remember that Patta will not be issued for lands having undivided shares.

Things You Should Know Before You File a Partition Suit in India

Things You Should Know Before You File a Partition Suit in India

Are you caught in the complex web of property disputes, specifically related to partition suits in India? If you’ve ever wondered how to navigate this challenging legal terrain, you’re in the right place.

In this blog, we’re about to demystify the world of partition suits in India. We’ll provide you with clear, actionable insights and guide you through the intricate process of protecting your property rights through partition suits. 

Join us as we unravel the procedures, laws, and practical steps you need to take. It’s time to take control of your property-related concerns – read on to discover the path to a more secure future.

What is a Partition Suit?

What is a Partition Suit
(What is a Partition Suit)

Partition, essentially, means separation. A Partition Suit, on the other hand, represents a legal dispute between parties who own a property but have different ideas about its use. This legal process is a powerful tool for resolving conflicts over property interests. Through the partition suit, the court can decide the ownership rights of the members based on legal precedence. 

The cost of filing a partition suit varies from state to state. For example, the court fees for partition suits in Karnataka is fixed at Rs. 200 based on Section 35(2) of the Karnataka Court Fees and Suits Valuation Act of 1958, whereas the same suit costs Rs 500 in New Delhi. 

Let’s see who can file a partition suit in a court and what’s the procedure to file it.

Who Can File a Partition Suit?

A partition suit is a legal process that divides property among co-owners. In India, the partition of property is governed by the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, and the Indian Partition Act, 1893.

Any or all of the co-owners of a property can file a partition suit. The co-owners can be legal heirs also if it is a family property. Anyone having a share in the property which is intended to be partitioned can file the suit.

Co-owners can be defined as those who have a joint title to the property, either by inheritance, gift, or purchase.

Legal heirs are those who are entitled to inherit the property of a deceased person in accordance with the law of succession.

Anyone having a share in the property could be a co-owner, a legal heir, or a third party who has acquired a share in the property through purchase or gift.

There is no limitation period for filing a partition suit. However, it is advisable to file the suit as soon as possible to avoid any complications.

Can a Minor File a Partition Suit in India?

A partition suit is a legal process that divides property among co-owners. In India, the partition of property is governed by the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, and the Indian Partition Act, 1893. Minors can also file a partition suit with the help of their legal guardians or representatives. Here are some important points to keep in mind when a minor files a partition suit in India:

  1. A minor can file a partition suit through his legal guardian or next friend (a person who represents the minor in court).
  2. The legal guardian or next friend must obtain the court’s permission to file the suit on behalf of the minor.
  3. The court may appoint a guardian ad litem (a person appointed by the court to protect the interests of a minor) to represent the minor in the suit.
  4. The court may direct that the property be partitioned in such a way that the minor’s share is protected and preserved.
  5. The limitation period for a partition suit in India is 12 years from the date when the right to sue accrued.

If you are looking to file a partition suit on behalf of a minor, NoBroker Legal can help you with legal advice and representation.

What is the Procedure to File a Partition Suit in India?

What is the Procedure to File a Partition Suit in India
(Procedure to file a partition suit in India)

Before filing any legal complaint, the Indian Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 dictates sending an official legal notice to the concerned party. In case the notice is neglected or avoided, the plaintiff can file a legal case against the concerned party in the Indian courts. Here is a detailed look at the entire process of filing a partition suit:

  • The first step is drafting a plaint (complaint). The court prescribes following the correct format of plaint in a suit for partition. The person filing the complaint is known as the plaintiff whereas the other party will be the defendant. The correct format of a plaint in a suit for partition will have details like the name of the concerned parties, their residential addresses, type and explanation of the complaint, and an affidavit stating that the complaint is true as per the plaintiff’s knowledge. Here is the correct format of a plaint in a suit for partition
  • The second step is filing a power of attorney which is a legal document instating power to your legal representatives in matters of disputes. 
  • Pay the Partition Suit Court Fees. The fees may vary based on the case and the state in which it is filed. Consult your legal advisors for determining the exact amount. 
  • Once the payment is complete, the court will fix a date to take your dispute and review it. 
  • It is very important to note that it is at the court’s discretion whether the case is picked up or not. The court decides if a claim has any merit and proceeds further. If the case is accepted by the court, only then a legal notice will be sent to the defendant asking them to appear before the court with their side. 
  • The defendant needs to respond to the court’s legal notice with a written statement within 30 days of receipt. 
  • The plaintiff reviews the defendant’s statement and if not satisfied, can reply with written documents, known as replication. 
  • After replication, both the parties will be asked by the court to submit relevant documents to prove their claim of ownership. The parties are also required to produce witnesses before the court to prove their ownership within 15 days of the legal proceedings. 
  • The court reviews the documents and based on the findings from the proceedings, awards ownership. The parties will also receive a certified copy of the court’s decision to avoid any further disputes. This is known as the final decree in partition suit format.

How to Draft a Partition Suit?

How to Draft a Partition Suit
(Partition suit draft)

A format of suit for partition and declaration must contain:

  • Title for the suit 
  • Court’s Jurisdiction
  • Suit no. with year 
  • Name of Plaintiff
  • Name of Defendant
  • Relationship between the plaintiff and defendant
  • Issue for suit
  • Current Market Value of the Property
  • Claims of the Plaintiff
  • Property Schedule
  • Signatures, Verification of the property. 
  • Location, date, sign. 

Here is the correct legal notice format for partition suit:

List of Documents Required for Filing a Petition Suit

List of Documents Required for Filing a Petition Suit
(List of documents required for filing a petition suit)

Here’s a list of documents required for filing a suit for property partition in India:

  • ID proof of legally identified heir
  • Certified copies of the property with a description
  • Property Valuation
  • Birth proof of the legal heir
  • Residence proof of the heir
  • Original death certificate of the registered owner. 
  • Residence proof for the deceased

What is the Fixed Limitation Period for a Partition Suit?

What is the Fixed Limitation Period for a Partition Suit
(Partition suit time limit)

Any limitations in the partition suit follow guidelines from the Limitation Act. According to the Limitation Act, in the case of a suit for partition, the limitation is fixed at 12 years from the day the plaintiff claims the property. The partition suit limitation for ancestral properties is also fixed at 12 years. 

While the guidelines and procedure for a partition suit are relatively straightforward, it’s strongly recommended to seek an amicable settlement whenever possible.

However, if a mutual agreement isn’t viable, a partition suit serves as a legal avenue to help both parties resolve their property disputes. This process typically spans around two years and hinges on the documents submitted by each party.

If you require the expertise of legal professionals to compose a partition suit notice, don’t hesitate to reach out to NoBroker. Our team offers top-tier property-related legal advice and consultations. Feel free to leave a comment on this blog, and our dedicated executive will promptly respond to your inquiries.

Different Ways in which a Property can be Partitioned in India

Here are some ways in which Property can be partitioned in India

1. Partition through Consent

A family settlement or a partition deed can be used to divide the property according to mutual consent.

The property is divided between the co-owners by partition deed. The purpose of this deed is to partition the property such that each party has an absolute title to their respective portion. 

2. Court-based court partition

A legal notice stating each co-interest owner in the property, their portion, and the action to be done must be served on each co-owner before filing a partition suit in order to try to resolve the conflict. Even after this, a civil lawsuit is brought before the court if the matter is not resolved.

3. Partition by Will Probate

A copy of the Will that has been certified with the court seal is known as probate. According to Section 222 of the Indian Succession Act, 1922, only Will’s executor may receive probate.

Following the petition’s submission, the Court publishes a notice in any respected publication to solicit objections. If there is no opposition, the Court awards probate after concluding that the evidence is satisfactory.

Divisible and Non-Divisible Property During Partition

When a property is jointly owned, it can be divided into two types: divisible and non-divisible. Divisible property can be easily divided among co-owners, while non-divisible property cannot be divided without losing its value. Here are some important points to keep in mind when dividing divisible and non-divisible property during a partition suit:

  • Divisible property includes property that can be easily divided among co-owners, such as cash, bank deposits, and stocks.
  • Non-divisible property includes property that cannot be divided without losing its value, such as a family home, a business, or a piece of land that is not easily divisible.
  • If the property is divisible, it can be divided into equal shares among the co-owners.
  • If the property is non-divisible, the court may direct that the property be sold, and the proceeds be divided among the co-owners.

How long does the court take to pass orders on partition suits?

There is no fixed time as to how long it will take for a court to pass orders on a partition suit. The time taken will vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • The complexity of the case
  • The number of parties involved
  • The workload of the court
  • Whether there are any appeals filed

In general, however, it can take anywhere from a few months to several years for a court to pass orders on a partition suit.

In India, a partition suit typically proceeds in two stages:

  1. Preliminary decree
  2. Final decree

The preliminary decree determines the rights of the parties in the property and declares that the property is to be partitioned. The final decree sets out the manner in which the property is to be divided.

It is usually the preliminary decree that takes the longest to obtain. This is because the court has to examine all of the evidence and arguments presented by the parties before it can make a decision. Once the preliminary decree has been passed, the parties can then try to reach an agreement on how to divide the property. If they are unable to reach an agreement, the court will pass a final decree setting out the manner in which the property is to be divided.

Here are some tips to help speed up the process of a partition suit:

  • File the suit as soon as possible after the parties have decided to partition the property.
  • Cooperate with the other parties involved in the suit and try to reach an agreement on how to divide the property as soon as possible.
  • Provide the court with all of the relevant evidence and documentation as soon as possible.
  • Be prepared to attend court hearings and cooperate with the court’s process.

If you have any questions or concerns about the time it is taking for the court to pass orders on your partition suit, you should speak to your lawyer.

 Is it compulsory to register a partition deed?

Yes, it is compulsory to register a partition deed in India. This is required under Section 17 of the Indian Registration Act, 1908. A partition deed is a document that records the division of a property among its co-owners. It is a legally binding document and can be used as evidence in a court of law.

An unregistered partition deed is not valid and cannot be used as evidence in a court of law. This means that if there is a dispute over the property, the unregistered partition deed will not be helpful.

To register a partition deed, the parties involved must pay a stamp duty and registration charges. The stamp duty varies depending on the value of the property and the state in which it is located. The registration charges are typically 1% of the value of the property.

Once the stamp duty and registration charges have been paid, the partition deed can be registered at the sub-registrar’s office in the area where the property is located. The sub-registrar will verify the deed and register it in the government records.

Here are the benefits of registering a partition deed:

  • It provides legal evidence of the division of the property.
  • It can be used to protect your rights in the property.
  • It can help to avoid disputes over the property in the future.
  • It is required for certain transactions, such as selling or transferring the property.

If you are planning to partition a property, it is important to carry out partition deed registration. This will help to protect your rights and interests in the property.

Latest updates on partition suits in India

Partition of divisible and non-divisible property: In a recent judgment, the Supreme Court held that the court has the power to divide both divisible and non-divisible property in a manner that is fair and equitable. This means that the court can order the sale of non-divisible property, such as a house, and divide the proceeds among the co-owners.

Amendment of plaint after commencement of trial: The Karnataka High Court has held that the amendment of a plaint after the commencement of a trial is permissible if the fundamental character of the suit is not affected. This means that the court can allow the parties to amend their plaint to add or remove new facts or parties, even after the trial has started.

No need for separate final decree proceedings: The Supreme Court has held that there is no need to file separate final decree proceedings in a partition suit. The trial court can proceed suo motu to pass a final decree after passing a preliminary decree. This will help to speed up the process of partition suits.

Settlement deed in a partition suit: The Supreme Court has held that a settlement deed in a partition suit must include the written consent of all parties. A consent decree among only some parties is not maintainable. This means that all of the co-owners must agree to the terms of the settlement deed before it can be valid.

Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005: The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, gave daughters equal rights in the ancestral property of their father. This means that daughters can now file partition suits to claim their share in the ancestral property.

How Can NoBroker Help

In conclusion, we’ve unraveled the intricate process of partition suits in India, shedding light on the meaning, format, declarations, and procedure. Now, it’s your turn to take control of your property-related concerns. If you’re considering embarking on this legal journey, remember that while the guidelines may seem straightforward, they can be fraught with complications if handled alone. Our expert team at NoBroker specializes in navigating these intricacies, ensuring a smooth resolution to your property disputes. Don’t hesitate – contact NoBroker today for a swift and efficient solution tailored to your needs.


Q1. What is meant by a partition suit?

Ans. The term partition implies separation. A partition suit is a legal proceeding that determines the legal owners of a property through verifying submitted documents by the concerned parties. 

Q2. What is the limitation for partition suits?

Ans. The limitation for a partition suit in India is fixed at 12 years. 

Q3. Who can file a partition suit in India?

Ans. Partition Suit under CPC dictates that any or all the co-owners of a property can file a partition suit provided their claim is genuine. 

Q4. What are the court fees for a partition suit?

Ans. Partition suit court fees are determined based on the state in which the case is filed and the current market value of the property. 

Q5. What is the timeline for the court proceedings in case of a partition suit?

Ans. Generally, a partition suit court proceedings take 2 years to complete. 

Form 26qb: Penalty, Certificate, payment in 2024

Form 26qb: Penalty, Certificate, payment in 2024

The real estate industry in India is often in the news due to significant financial scams. It is due to the absence of a proper and standardised system that helps manage the money during the transfer of immovable property. The form 26qb is a return-cum-challan form with which the buyer has to deduct TDS as mentioned under Section 1941A of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax gets cut off at the source itself, thus minimising corruption. Read on to know more.

What is Form 26qb?

As mandated under Section 1941A of the Income Tax Act, 1961, the government has laid down several rules for the transaction of immovable property. In this case, the buyer (or the deductor) has to deduct TDS if the transaction value exceeds 50 lakhs. The deductor will also be responsible for providing Form 16B to the seller. Now let’s take a look at some of the salient features of the Form 26QB of Income Tax:

  • During the completion of a property transaction, the buyer has to deduct TDS at 1% of the total transaction value.
  • TDS mentioned under Section 1941A will not be applicable for agricultural lands.
  • The buyer cannot deduct TDS on immovable property valued at less than 50 lakhs. For properties that cost more than this amount, 1% TDS has to be paid on the whole transaction amount. For example, if the property you are buying costs 60 lakhs, then TDS has to be paid on 60 lakhs and not on (60-50lakhs) 10 lakhs.
  • For payments in instalments, TDS is also proportionately deducted for each instalment individually.
  • The buyer does not need a TAN (Tax Deduction Account Number). However, PAN is mandatory for buyers and sellers if a TDS deduction is made through Form 26QB.
  • After deduction, the buyer is responsible for furnishing the TDS certificate and Form 16 to the seller.

Penalty For Failure to Deduct TDS Using Form No 26qb

Here are the applicable penalties under various types of default:

  • Failure to deduct TDS will lead to a penalty of 1% interest on the TDS dues.
  • If the buyer fails to remit the TDS to the government, a penalty charge of 1.5% is slapped on the TDS amount due.
  • In situations where there is a delay in filing TDS returns, a hefty penalty amount (Rs 200) is charged for each day of default.

Form 26qb Certificate Download

Form 26qb Certificate Download
(It is no more a hassle to get your form 26QB certificate downloaded)

Follow these few steps as mentioned below:

  1. Visit the TIN NSDL website (https://www.tin-nsdl.com/index.html) . Under the “Service” tab, choose the “Epayment” Pay taxes online” option.” 
  1. Scroll down, and in the box named “TDS on Property: Form 26QB”, click on “Proceed”.
  1. You will be redirected to a new window. First, you have to input all taxpayer information. In the “Tax Applicable” section, choose 0020 if you are paying corporate tax. For others, click on 0021—next, select assessment period, payment type, and residency status. You also need to provide your details along with your PAN. You also need to input the seller’s PAN here. Then click on “NEXT”. 
  1. Fill in all the other necessary details, including the property details. Then, you will finally reach the “Payment” page. After the payment via net banking, you can download your Form 26Qb.

Form 26qb Payment

For making a form 26qb online payment, you click “Proceed” from the payment page and pay via net banking. 

Following that, you can visit the TRACES website and register on TRACES as a Taxpayer by simply providing the PAN number and challan number (Form 280 or the Form 26QB challan). Then, get your Form 16B and download it. Remember, this Form is to be mandatorily issued to the seller of the property.

Form 26qb Sample

Here is how a typical TDS form 26qb looks like.

Form 26qb Sample

Print Form 26qb

The form 26qb procedure also involves printing and downloading this Form along with a form 26QB acknowledgement. This acknowledgement is an essential piece of document, especially if you want to pay your TDS offline. Read on to know more about this.

Form 26qb Due Date

As mandated, the buyer or the deductor is responsible for submitting form 26QB. The buyer must make Form 26qb payment online within 30 days of the month ending in which TDS has been deducted. After the TDS deposit, the buyer must also issue a TDS certificate to the seller within 15 days of the property transaction.

Form 26qb Offline

If you do not have active net banking, you can also opt for the “E Tax payment on the subsequent date” option, wherein you have to visit your nearby bank branch to pay TDS and obtain your challan for Form 26QB income tax. Then, click on “Proceed” on the payments page, and you will be issued a form 26QB receipt along with an acknowledgement slip. Download this form 26Qb with the acknowledgement number. This slip will be valid for ten days from the date of issue. Once you make the payment at the bank, they will generate your Form 26QB challan or Form 280 for you.

Form 26qb Challan

This is how a form 26qb challan or Form 280 looks like. Note that the buyer should have a copy of this during the transaction of the property.

Date of Tax Deduction in Form 26qb

TDS on the immovable property has to be paid within 30 days from the month ending when TDS was deducted. Thus, if the buyer deducts TDS on March 15, 2021, this TDS has to be paid within 30 days from March 31, i.e., April 30, 2021.

Form 26qb Procedure

As discussed above, you have to log into tin.nsdl.com and follow steps 1-4 for Form 26QB online payment.

Form 26qb Certificate Download

Follow these steps for the form 26QB download after payment:

  1. Visit the TRACES website and “Register as a Taxpayer”. You can register by providing your PAN card details as well as the challan number.
TDS Traces
  1. On completing the registration, you can obtain your TDS certificate or Form 16B.
  2. After approximately one week, check your Form 26AS once. By this time, the TDS payment should be ideally reflected by now.
  3. To download, simply log in with your credentials and click on the “Download” Tab. Under that tab, click on Form 16B (for the buyer).
  4. You can fill in the seller’s PAN details and acknowledgement details related to the property transaction and then click on “Proceed”.
  5. After verifying the details, “Submit Request”.

After a few hours, your 26QB form download request will be processed. You can find the download request status as “Available”. Then, you have to download the TDS certificate.

As you can see, Form 26Qb is an essential document for deduction and filing for TDS. Unlike other taxes, the buyer is responsible for a tax deduction and submission to the government, then remitted to the seller. This way, the chances of corruption and money laundering becomes significantly less. If you need any further help in filing your tax returns, you can contact NoBroker legal experts. Wish to know about tax saving investment options? Visit our blog site for detailed information.


Ques1- In the case of a joint buyer, how to file Form 26QB?

Ans. Each buyer must complete challan cum e-statement Form/Form 26QB for every unique buyer-seller combination for the fair share. For example, if there is one buyer and two sellers, two forms must be completed, and if there are two buyers and two sellers, four forms must be completed for corresponding property shares.

Ques 2 Is it possible for the builder to pay TDS on behalf of the buyer?

Ans. The bank has made the payment to the builder on behalf of the buyer if the bank has made the payment to the builder. As a result, in such circumstances, the buyer must deduct the TDS, not the banks.

Ques 3 What is the amount of TDS for rent?

Ans. TDS of 2% on the rent amount paid for the plant, equipment, and machinery. TDS of 10% on the rent amount paid for the land, building, furniture, and fittings. Individuals and HUFs are not subject to tax audits if they spend more than ‘50,000 in rent each month.

Ques 4 What if a buyer refuses to pay TDS?

Ans. If you didn’t deduct tax and didn’t pay it to the government, you’ll have to pay interest of 1% each month under Section 201. If you did deduct tax but didn’t pay it to the government, you’ll have to pay 1.5 per cent every month. In addition, section 234E imposes a late filing cost of Rs. 200 each day, based on the highest tax owed.

Ques 5 What is the best way for me to pay my 26QB interest?

Ans. To make a payment, go to the tin-and website. For default payment, please utilise challan 281 at https://www.tin-nsdl.com/. In the event of TDS on the property, you must pay Demand Payment using Form 26QB, which requires the seller’s and buyer’s PANs.

IGRS AP Online – Application, Registration, Stamp Duty & More

IGRS AP Online – Application, Registration, Stamp Duty & More

The registration and stamps department of Andhra Pradesh has an official portal, a virtual medium to provide citizens with many services. Information about stamp duty, registration fee, property valuation, a list of the notaries, and much more can be found on this online portal, along with many services. Here, in this article, we have given you all the details that you might need regarding IGRS AP. 

What is IGRS AP?

(IGRS is an online portal wherein you can get all the information regarding properties.)

IGRS Andhra Pradesh is an acronym that is used for inspector-general of stamps, revenue, and documents. The authority of IGRS is responsible for levying and collecting various property-related and other taxes in the state. The IGRS is situated in South India and has started an online portal that provides a host of services to its citizens.

Apart from the other services that IGRS provides, it is seen that the portal is more active in taking and solving complaints. This internet-based software facilitates clients to lodge their protests against the Member of Exchange and Members to Resolve, thereby responding. Furthermore, this portal enables us to keep track of all the complaints made.

Lockdown hasn’t affected their services much. Thus, if you wish to know anything, you can log on to their official site.   

IGRS EC Andhra

IGRS EC Andhra
IGRS EC Andhra

The Andhra Pradesh government has launched the IGRS Encumbrance Certificate for all property owners. This certificate contains all the details about their property holdings. The encumbrance certificate pertains to obstruction in documentation regarding property on a mortgage or any other legal boundaries. 

IGRS AP EC is a binding document that contains details regarding plots, especially the encumbrance. The certificate is made to assure the buyer that the property is unsold free from any hindrances. Thus, the plot is safe to buy. In states like Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, etc., computerized ECs are made, unlike other states where ECs are handwritten.

Significance of an Encumbrance Certificate in AP

The Andhra Pradesh government presents a document known as an encumbrance certificate which is used to certify ownership of property and enable an individual to obtain a loan from a bank or financial institution. 

An EC acts as proof of ownership and is necessary for obtaining a loan from financial institutions or banks. If  you have not paid your property taxes for more than three years, they must obtain an encumbrance certificate from a Village or Panchayat Officer in order to update the land tax records. 

Additionally, this endorsement is also necessary to withdraw a Provident Fund for the purchase of a property or for the construction of a house.

Purpose of EC 

The chief goal to issue EC is as follows:

  1. It is a mandatory document that is used in property transactions as evidence of ownership. 
  2. This document is essential for owners who are bound with property-related loans.
  3. EC is a detailed document that contains all the details alluding to the property for some time. The paper provides all the necessary information regarding the actual state of the property. 
  4. To register a plot in Andhra Pradesh, you have to submit the EC along with the sale agreement, deed, and many other documents. 
  5. If the tax regarding property is not paid for more than three years, then the owner has to show the EC to the Village Panchayat Officer for updating the tax records.

So, these are some of the essential vital points regarding IGRS EC Andhra. EC is the most crucial document to be produced before buying, selling, or reselling the property. Now, let us look at the details of an EC. 

EC Details 

(The document is needed while purchasing or selling a property or when applying for a home loan)

The following is the list of AP registration and stamp document details that are included in the encumbrance certificate. 

  • Name of the Proprietor
  • Subtleties of the property
  • Exchange identified with the property
  • Information about the home loan or mortgage related to the property
  • Total assets 
  • Delivery deeds
  • Blessing settlement (in case you have been gifted a property.) 

So, these are the details regarding EC in Andhra Pradesh. You can obtain your EC within a day. The charges for applying for an EC differ. The costs for EC up to 30 Years are Rs. 200/- and the controls for the ones above 30 years is Rs. 500/-.

AP Stamp Duty and Registration Charges

Stamp duty and registration charges form an integral part of property transactions in India. The stamp and registration Andhra Pradesh are tabulated below:

CriteriaRegistration Fees
Sale deed0.5%
Gift deed0.5% Minimum: INR 1,000Maximum: INR 10,000
Agreement-cum- general POA0.5%Maximum limit: INR 20,000
Sale-cum-general POAINR 2,000
POA to construct, sell, transfer, develop immovable property0.5%Minimum: INR 1,000Maximum: INR 20,000
Deed of lease0.1%
Deed of License0.1%
Deed of Conveyance0.5%
CriteriaStamp Duty Charges
Sale of immovable property5.00%
Sale agreement5.00%
Development agreement5.00%
Construction agreement5.00%
Sale-cum-GPA agreement6.00%
Sale-cum-GPA development1.00%
Lease agreement for less than a decade0.4%
Lease agreement between 10-20 years0.6%

How to Calculate Stamp Duty Fee?

The AP Stamp and Registration department offers an AI calculator that assists the users in calculating stamp duty. Follow the steps outlined below to calculate the stamp duty fee:

  • Navigate to the official website of IGRS AP
IGRS AP Online
  • Go to the Duty Fee Calculator
IGRS AP Online
  • Enter the major code, minor code, and the consideration value
IGRS AP Online
  • Click on Submit and the stamp duty will be displayed on the screen.

AP Stamps and Registration Payment

You can pay the Stamp Duty using a franking machine, e-stamping, or submitting physical stamp paper. Additionally, you can make the payment through demand draft, cash, or debit/credit card (if paying online in Andhra Pradesh). To use a franking machine, it is required to go to a vendor or location that has been approved by the IGRS Andhra Pradesh website. To make your stamp duty payment online, follow the steps outlined below:

IGRS AP Online
  • Select your state from the dropdown list i.e. Andhra Pradesh
  • Click on Secure Login
IGRS AP Online
  • Enter your credentials and click on Login
  • After signing in, input the information about the property and make the payments through online banking, National Electronic Funds Transfer, or using a debit or credit card.

AP Stamp and Registration Deed Details

If you are a property buyer, you can search for previous IGRS deed details Ap of the property you plan to buy. To check the seller’s authenticity, here are the steps to do it. 

  • Step 1: Log on to the official website of the AP registration and stamp department. 
  • Step 2: You will be redirected to a page where you can search for registration AP details of apartments or buildings. 
  • Step 3: Add the district, Mandal, village, survey number, plot numbers, etc., to get the details. 
  • Step 4: Click ‘Submit’, and you will get all the details that you need.  

There are seven kinds of AP IGRS deed details in Andhra Pradesh, i.e., inheritance, partition, gift, settlement, grant order, release deed, and permanent lease deed. 

The inheritance deed includes the entries in revenue records and the predecessor’s title. The partition deed consists of the partition among the family or non-family members at property registration. 

The gift deed is applied when one is given/ gifted a particular plot. The settlement deed is among the family members to divide the property. The release deed is also among the family and non-family members. Finally, the lease deed is of different kinds, and so are the charges for stamp duty and plot registration.  

These are the conveyance deeds that might be needed at the time of plot registration. 

AP Stamp and Registration Document Search

Your immovable property would become a permanent public record if you register it with IGRS Andhra Pradesh. So, anyone who wishes to buy your property will have all the information regarding your property. As per the Transfer of Property Act, the right or title to the property can be acquired if the deed is registered. Above is the list of deeds and how you can register them. If the transfer is not registered, then according to the Registration Act, it will be admissible. Below is the list of necessary documents required for plot registration.

  1. Gift deed of immovable property.
  2. Leases of immovable property.
  3. Non-testamentary instruments are used to operate, create, declare, assign, and limit the right or title to the property. Sales, mortgage, release, and resettlement of property come under this category.
  4. Non-testamentary instruments accept payment on account of creation, declaration assignment, and limitation of any right or title. 
  5. Contracts to the transfer of immovable property for consideration are also contained in these papers, under Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act. 

The documents listed above are the most important documents that are needed at the time of plot registration. Now, let us look at the    

AP Registration and Stamp Document Details

Apart from the documents mentioned in the above section, several other documents are required for property registration. Here they are:

  • Sale contract or Sale deed
  • Certificate of encumbrance
  • Proof of the buyer’s, seller’s, and witnesses’ identities (could be Aadhaar, Voter ID card, Passport or Driving Licence, etc.)
  • Form 60 or PAN card, duly completed, with proof of identity and address for both parties.
  • Photographs of the buyer and seller in passport size.

So, these are the essential documents that are used in plot registration. Having discussed EC’s importance and purpose in the above sections, it’s now time to emphasize the EC search under IGRS.  

IGRS AP Encumbrance Search 

One of the facilities of the IGRS portal is the EC search facility. It is important to note that you cannot avail yourself of this service when the server is busy. To search for an Encumbrance Certificate, you need to fill in the required details mentioned in the portal. Let us show you how. 

  • Step 1: Visit the Andhra Pradesh Registration and Stamp Department portal online. 
  • Step 2: Click on the Encumbrance Search from the right menu.
  • Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page. Read the disclaimer and click on the submit button.
  • Step 4: Again, a new page will be opened, including the document number, house number, apartment name, survey number, village name, etc. Select the district and sub-registrar’s office under all options. 
  • Step 5: You will then receive your EC online. 

List of Services Provided by IGRS AP

On the Andhra Pradesh IGRS website, you can:

  • Access registration details by providing the required information on the Andhra Pradesh IGRS website
  • Search for encumbrances on properties registered in sub-registrar’s offices
  • Get help with duty and stamp fee-related matters
  • Confirm the validity of encumbrance certificates
  • Locate the certificate of registration for a particular document.

IGRS AP Certificate Application: Application Procedure

The Integrated Registration System (IGRS) for Andhra Pradesh is an online portal developed by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to facilitate the registration process for citizens of the state. The process of registration is simplified and made easier with the help of the IGRS AP portal. To register follow the procedure outlined below:

Via MeeSeva Franchise

IGRS AP Online
  • Under the Citizen Portal tab click on New Registration
IGRS AP Online
  • A registration form will be displayed on the screen, enter your basic information and contact details.
IGRS AP Online
  • Click on Submit
  • An acknowledgement will be displayed on the screen and the same will be sent to your registered email address.

Via IGRS AP Portal

IGRS AP Online
  • Under the New Initiatives tab, click on Online EC
IGRS AP Online
  • Click on New Member and register yourself by furnishing your basic details. Additionally, create a user ID and password and click on Submit.
IGRS AP Online

How to Download an Encumbrance Certificate: IGRS AP

To download an Encumbrance Certificate (AP), follow the steps outlined below:

IGRS AP Online
  • Under the New Initiatives tab, click on Online EC
IGRS AP Online
  • You will be redirected to a new page, here, login using your username and password.
  • Now, select your District and SRO Location from the dropdown menu.
IGRS AP Online
  • Enter the registration document number and the registration year and click on Submit.
  • The EC will be displayed on the screen, you can download and print a hard copy of the same for future reference.

IGRS AP: Village Directory

IGRS AP Online
  • Click on Village Directory on the home page.
IGRS AP Online
  • A list including district name along with district code will be displayed
IGRS AP Online
  • Select your district and mandal name.
IGRS AP Online
  • The village directory will be displayed on your screen.
IGRS AP Online

It is a mandatory document that must be presented to buy, sell, or resell the property. Therefore, the deeds are essential before buying or selling any property. The article has focused entirely on stamp and plot registration, EC, etc. so that you can register for your property hassle-free. For more such details, keep reading NoBroker.     


Q-1 What is the land registration process in Andhra Pradesh?

Ans. To buy or sell your property, you first need to have EC and other documents that have been listed above in the AP Registration and Stamp Document details section. 

Q-2 What is the land registration fee in Andhra Pradesh?

Ans. Depending upon the type of deed, the charges vary from 0.5% to 1% of the transaction value.

Q-3 I cannot find my EC online on IGRS AP. What shall I do?

Ans. If you cannot find EC online, you can log on to the SRO website. The site will provide you with the EC for land. 

Q-4 Who maintains the contents on the IGRS AP website?

Ans. The Registration and Stamp Department manage every piece of content on the website, Government of Andhra Pradesh. 

Q-5 How can I check the details of my property in ap online?

Ans. Step 1: Go to Meebhoomi’s official website (https://meebhoomi.ap.gov.in/). Select Electronic Passbook from the drop-down menu.
Step 2: Fill up the relevant information and cell phone number. Enter the code shown on the page and click “CLICK” to submit your data.

Special Power of Attorney: Important Insights for 2024

Special Power of Attorney: Important Insights for 2024

A general power of attorney (GPoA) is a legal document that authorises one person (referred to as an agent) to act on another’s behalf (the principal). The principal for whatever reason may be unable to make decisions for himself and can give the agent this authority. The agent would have the authority to make legal, medical, financial, and business choices under this GPoA, which is not particular in nature (but not real estate). It is irreversible, and the principal must agree to the GPoA’s actions.

A special power of attorney (SPoA) is a legal document that authorises one person (referred to as an agent) to act on another’s behalf (the principal) if the principal is unable to make decisions for himself, he gives the agent this authority. This Special PoA is property specific. It is irreversible, and the principal must agree to the SPoA’s actions.

Key Takeaways

  • The special power of attorney allows a person (the principal) to nominate another person (the agent) to act on their behalf in legal matters.
  • Only particular, well-defined conditions allow the agent to act on behalf of the principal.
  • A general power of attorney is more expensive than a special power of attorney cost, allowing the agent to make all legal and financial decisions on the principal’s behalf.

Benefits of a Special Power of Attorney to Manage Property

Benefits of a Special Power of Attorney to Manage Property
Special PoA is property specific. It is irreversible, and the principal must agree to the SPoA’s actions.
  • The main rationale for using a special power of attorney for property is to ensure that your finances and other legal issues are handled the way you want them to be in instances where you are unable to do so yourself. If you’re in a terrible accident or become terminally ill, for example, your agent will be allowed to make certain financial or legal decisions in accordance with your orders.
  • Special power of attorney validity: Keep in mind that the special power of attorney is only valid for the duration of your life. If you were to die, the special power of attorney (real estate) would be revoked. Your assets would then be managed according to the terms of your will or trust if you have one. When someone dies without a will, their assets are dispersed according to their state’s inheritance rules.

Example of Special Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is an agreement between two people that authorises one person to act on behalf of the other. This example works well for a special power of attorney format for NRI – If you are out of the nation and unable to complete a business transaction yourself, or if your abilities are limited due to a medical condition, you may need a power of attorney. The grantor or principal is the individual who begins a special power of attorney document, whether verbally or in writing. The attorney or agent is the person identified in the agreement as the authorised person. The acts that the agent can conduct under a special power of attorney are confined to extremely particular conditions.

‘General’ versus ‘Special’ Power of Attorney

While the special power of attorney is meant for specific acts to be performed, it is quite different from the general power of attorney or GPA. The title of General Power of Attorney confers to the general power of performing a wide variety of acts including authorising sales, legal matters, recovering rents, closing accounts, attending to legal matters, etc., and therefore must be a very trusted person. Also, the power of GPA goes to a legal agent only if the person is unable to make such decisions by themselves.

‘General’ versus ‘Special’ Power of Attorney

A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that allows someone to act on your behalf in certain matters. There are two types of power of attorney: general and specific. Here’s the difference between them:

General Power of Attorney: A general power of attorney grants broad powers to the person you appoint as your agent. They can act on your behalf in a variety of matters, such as buying or selling property, managing finances, and making legal decisions. A general power of attorney is typically used when you are unable to handle your own affairs due to illness, injury, or absence.

Specific Power of Attorney: A specific power of attorney, on the other hand, grants limited powers to the person you appoint as your agent. They can only act on your behalf in specific matters that are listed in the power of attorney document. For example, you may grant a specific power of attorney to someone to sell a property on your behalf or to make medical decisions for you.

It’s important to choose the right type of power of attorney for your needs. NoBroker Legal Services can help you draft a specific power of attorney form or a general power of attorney form based on your requirements. We can also assist with the registration of the power of attorney and provide guidance on the validity of special power of attorney in India.

‘General’ versus ‘Special’ Power of Attorney

A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that allows someone to act on your behalf in certain matters. There are two types of power of attorney: general and specific. Here’s the difference between them:

General Power of Attorney: A general power of attorney grants broad powers to the person you appoint as your agent. They can act on your behalf in a variety of matters, such as buying or selling property, managing finances, and making legal decisions. A general power of attorney is typically used when you are unable to handle your own affairs due to illness, injury, or absence.

Specific Power of Attorney: A specific power of attorney, on the other hand, grants limited powers to the person you appoint as your agent. They can only act on your behalf in specific matters that are listed in the power of attorney document. For example, you may grant a specific power of attorney to someone to sell a property on your behalf or to make medical decisions for you.

It’s important to choose the right type of power of attorney for your needs. NoBroker Legal Services can help you draft a specific power of attorney form or a general power of attorney form based on your requirements. We can also assist with the registration of the power of attorney and provide guidance on the validity of special power of attorney in India.

Types of Special Power of Attorneys

There are several types of special powers of attorney available, which allow principals to appoint agents to manage their affairs in the event of commitments or other unforeseen events. There is a special power of attorney for relinquishment deed format, special power of attorney for buying property or special power of attorney for rental property but each sort of power of attorney is specific to a principal’s current position.

  • Limited Power of Attorney – The limited power of attorney is a legal document that transfers authority from the principal to an agent for a specific transaction and for a specific length of time. Once the transaction is completed or the principal becomes disabled, the limited power expires.
  • General Power of Attorney – An agent with a general power of attorney can handle all of the principal’s business. The contract becomes effective immediately upon the principal’s incapacitation and stays operative until his death because it has no time restriction.
  • Springing Power of Attorney – When a specified event occurs that renders the principal unable to act, the springing power of attorney document becomes effective at a later stage.
Types of Special Power of Attorneys
It is necessary to have a medical power of attorney to be prepared for the foreseeable future.
  • Medical Power of Attorney – An agent is given the authority to make essential medical choices on behalf of the principal in the contract above. The contract becomes effective as soon as the presiding physician signs it.

How To Make a Special Power of Attorney Deed to Execute a Sale Deed?

There are specific ways allotted in terms of special power of attorney format for authorization. To create a Special Power of Attorney deed (or special power of attorney to execute gift deed format), the special power of attorney for purchase of property India format includes many such as:

  • Drafting – Make a detailed manuscript of the deed. You can easily find the special power of attorney form and the special power of attorney word format, online.
  • Print on Stamp paper — Print the document on appropriate-value Stamp paper (this step varies from state to state). Unless you live abroad, this step is required for the special power of attorney to sign a deed of sale.
  • Registration (in the case of real estate transactions) – The special power of attorney to present documents for registration can be done by paying the relevant fees. You can register the deed in the Sub-Registrar’s office and pay the power of attorney for property registration fees where the property is located. You may also have to pay a small special power of attorney stamp duty.
  • Signature – The Grantor should sign the drafted POA (person who gives the power). Two witnesses shall sign the deed as witnesses. Signatures must be made in the presence of the Registrar while being registered.

The special power of attorney format pdf is available online for the special power of attorney registration.

What Should Be Included in the Special Power of Attorney for Registration of Property Deeds?

The following are the essential components of a Special Power of Attorney deed:

  • Grantor Details – The name, age, residence, and occupation of the person who grants the power to the Attorney (Grantor) should be listed first.
  • Attorney Details – The following section should provide the name, age, father’s name, address, and employment of the person to whom the power is issued (Attorney).
  • Reason for special power of attorney to administer property – The valid cause for providing the power should be mentioned, for example, staying overseas or being hospitalised.
  • Performing Act Details- Mention the exact details of the act that the Special Power of Attorney for transfer of property has been authorised to do, such as presenting a document for special power of attorney sale of land or having the power to appear in court.
  • Date and Location- The day, date and location of the deed should be clearly stated, as well as the date on which the power of special power of attorney will be turned on.
  • Grantor’s Signature- The Grantor must sign the document of special power of attorney for house construction at the end, as well as at the bottom of each page.
  • Witness Signatures – Two witnesses must sign the deed with their names, addresses, phone numbers, and dates, confirming that they saw the Grantor sign the special power of attorney to sell property format deed.

How To Make a Special Power of Attorney Deed Legally Valid?

How To Make a Special Power of Attorney Deed Legally Valid?
The Grantor should sign the deed at the bottom of all the pages of the deed.

Follow these steps to make your Special Power of Attorney for the sale of property legally binding:

  • According to the state-governed laws where it is to be registered, the deed shall be written on Stamp paper of acceptable value.
  • The Grantor should sign the deed at the bottom of all pages.
  • At the end of the document, two witnesses shall sign and attest to the deed.
  • If the Special Power of Attorney special price deed does not involve any immovable property, it can be attested by a Notary Public with their seal and signature.

What is the Process of the Special Power of Attorney Format for NRI?

If you live outside of India and want to delegate authority to someone in India, you must follow these steps to create a Power of Attorney deed –

  • On plain white paper, write the special power of attorney to purchase a property deed.
  • A Notary in the country or state in which you live there should attest to the draught from the Indian Embassy or Consulate there.
  • All pages of the deed must be signed by the Grantor.
  • By registered mail or courier, send the documented Special Power of Attorney deed to your authorized party in India.
  • According to state regulations, the person to whom you transmit the deed shall get it registered at the assigned government agency. It could be the office of the Sub-Registrar or the office of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate.

How To Cancel a Special Power of Attorney

If you have granted a special power of attorney to someone and want to revoke it, you can do so by following a few simple steps. Here’s how:

  1. Draft a Revocation Deed:

    To cancel a special power of attorney, you need to draft a revocation deed. This is a legal document that formally revokes the power of attorney. The revocation deed must include the details of the special power of attorney, the date of execution, and the reason for revocation.

  2. Execute the Revocation Deed:

    Once you have drafted the revocation deed, you need to execute it in the presence of two witnesses. The witnesses must sign the revocation deed as well.

  3. Serve Notice:

    After executing the revocation deed, you need to serve notice to the person who holds the special power of attorney. The notice must inform them of the revocation and provide them with a copy of the revocation deed.

  4. Register the Revocation Deed:

    Once the notice has been served, you need to register the revocation deed with the sub-registrar of assurances. This will ensure that the revocation is legally binding.

  5. Retrieve Original Document:

    Lastly, you need to retrieve the original special power of attorney document from the person who holds it. This will ensure that they can no longer use the power of attorney to act on your behalf.

NoBroker Legal Services can help you draft and execute a revocation deed, serve notice, and register the revocation deed. Contact us today for assistance.

A general power of attorney is more comprehensive than a special power of attorney, which gives the agent authorization for a limited set of activities under a limited set of circumstances—such as selling or buying a home, running a business, or withdrawing money from an account. A general power of attorney gives the agent the legal authority to act on behalf of the principal in all financial and legal matters. An individual who will be out of the country for a year may delegate broad authority to an agent to handle personal and company financial transactions, bill payments, life insurance purchases, charitable donations, real estate management, and tax returns. Have any more queries? Head to NoBroker Forum for all your answers. 


Q1. Where can I find the special power of attorney format for the sale of property online?

Ans. You can find all the information, deeds and formats on the special power of attorney for the sale of property here – Link.

Q2. What is the stamp duty rate for the Special power of attorney deed?

Ans.  It is easy to get a hand on the deed and does not cost much and is capped at around Rs. 100 for stamp paper for special power of attorney

Q3. What are the documents required for the registration of the special power of attorney in India?

Ans. Only the basic requirements are required for the registration of special power of attorneys such as an Aadhar card, address proof, PAN card, and information of both the grantor and agent along with the latest special power of attorney draft.

Q4. What is a limited power of attorney?

Ans. The limited power of attorney is a legal document that transfers authority from the principal to an agent for a specific transaction and for a specific length of time. Once the transaction is completed or the principal becomes disabled, the limited power expires.

Understanding Ts-bPass: Telangana’s Modern Building Permits

Understanding Ts-bPass: Telangana’s Modern Building Permits

The Telangana State Building Permission Approval and Self Certification System (TsbPass) was introduced by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) after the discontinuation of the old Development Permission Management System (DPMS). In Telangana bPass, all the Layout & Building permissions falling within the boundaries of the state of Telangana are processed and disposed of through an online portal. Through the TS-bPass building permission, the state government aims to provide a quicker system of review and approval for all the residential activities in Telangana. The TS-bPass is a part of a larger project by the state government called Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self-Certification System (TS-iPass), which was introduced a bit earlier in July 2015 as a virtual self-certification-based model for granting online industrial building permissions. TS-bPass latest news indicates that the state government has already started implementing the building permission rules in Telangana. Let’s take a detailed look at the processes of the Telangana State Building Permission Approval and Self Certification System.

All About TS-bPass

All About TS-bPass
(What is TS-bPass?)

TS-bPass is a single-window approval system introduced by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) as a set of building permission rules in Telangana in February 2021. The entire process can be divided into three distinct TS-bPass approval categories: instant registration, instant approval, and the single window phase. The TS-bPass provides instant registration to residential buildings with a plot size of up to 75 square yards and a building height of up to 7 metres. The Applicant can register with a token of Rs.1. It also grants instant approval to residential buildings with a plot size of up to 75 – 600 square yards and a building height of up to 10 metres. All residential buildings with a plot size of more than 500 square metres and building height of up to 10 metres are considered under the single window approval phase. The Single Window System phase is a facility to process the layout and building applications for granting permissions through an online mode by streamlining the different processes and approvals and required certificates (NOCs) acting as a single point of contact for the request of services on submission of the application and fees.

Here are the Perquisites for the ‘Self-Certification’ system:

  • Online application with a declaration of Self stating the size of the property, number of floors, ownership certificates along with a copy of the Encumbrance Certificate in PDF format.  
  • A Declaration of accountability has to be submitted with the self-certification claiming liability in case of any false declaration provided. 
  • If the property has any violation, it should be mentioned otherwise the authorities have the right to demolish your property. 

Stand Out Features of TS-bPass

Stand Out Features of TS-bPass
(Features of TS-bPass)

Here are the standout features of municipal permission for house construction in Telangana:


Citizens can fill and apply online with required documents.


Citizens can obtain NOC from all the line departments using a single Common Application Form.


Citizens can obtain permissions in 3 easy steps – applying, uploading and paying.


All transactions made on the website are encrypted and hence secure.


Citizens can access services through desktop, tablet and mobile by having an active internet connection.

Essential Documents for TS-bPass

Essential Documents for TS-bPass
(Essential Documents for TS-bPass)

If you are applying for the official website of Telangana building permissions, here’s a list of all the documents required:

  • Photograph of the building
  • Building completion notice
  • PDF of drawing as per building construction
  • Certificate of land valuation
  • Copy of sanctioned plan

Procedure To Apply for Building Permission in Telangana

Procedure To Apply For Building Permission In Telangana
(Apply for building permission in Telangana)
  • Visit the official website of TS-bPass
  • Select the option of ‘Online Services’ from the homepage
  • Click on the Login button and select the option for “Occupancy”.
  • Select the “Building Completion” option and enter all the required details on your screen. 
  • Click save and submit.
  • The details will be sent to your registered mobile number

How to Track TS-bPass Application Status

How to Track TS-bPass Application Status
(Track TS-bPass Application Status)
  • Visit the official website of TS-bPass
  • Select the option of ‘Track Application’ from the homepage
  • Enter the required details and click on show status
  • You can track the TS building permission status of your TS-bPass application here. 

Based on the guidelines of the TS-iPass of 2015 and the Telangana Municipalities Act 2019, the TS-bPass is being implemented for all residential buildings in Telangana. The government plans to introduce this system of non-residential properties as well. The TS-bPass certificate follows an intricate set of guidelines for approval and it’s advisable to consult a legal expert to get acquainted with the latest guidelines and procedures. Book a Free legal consultation with NoBroker and get all your queries answered by a legal expert of property matters. Comment if you have any property related legal requirements and we will reach out to you. 


Q1. What is TS-bPass?

Ans. TS-bPass means the Telangana State Building Permission Approval and Self Certification System. It was introduced by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) to replace the Development Permission Management System (DPMS).

Q2. What is the TS-bPass customer care number?

Ans. The TS-bPass offices can be reached at 040-22 66 66 66

Q3. IS DPMS still active in Telangana?

Ans. DPMS is discontinued in Telangana. The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has replaced DPMS with TS-bPass.

Q4. What are the different stages of application approval in TS-bPass?

Ans. The entire process of TS-bPass building permission approval can be divided into three distinct categories: instant registration, instant approval, and the single window phase.

Q5. What is the office address of TS-bPass?

Ans. Office Address: Municipal Administration and Urban Development, Government of Telangana, 640, AC Guards, Opp: PTI Building, Hyderabad – 500004.

Khasra Number: Meaning, Importance and How to Check

Khasra Number: Meaning, Importance and How to Check

The term “Khasra Number” originates from Persian and is commonly used in India to refer to a survey number assigned to a specific rural land or property. In urban areas, land parcels are often associated with plot numbers that are equivalent to survey numbers. 

The concept of Khasra numbers dates back to the Mughal era when land records were meticulously organized for revenue generation and taxation purposes. These records, rooted in Persian and Arabic origins, have retained their significance in India’s legal and revenue systems over time. 

Despite the passage of centuries, Khasra numbers continue to play a crucial role in identifying and documenting land ownership and property boundaries, ensuring the smooth functioning of administrative and legal processes.

Khasra Number
building plot of land for house construction

The Khasra No. not only serves as a unique identifier for a specific parcel of land but also provides a wealth of intricate details about the region and its surroundings. Beyond demarcating land boundaries, it offers valuable information about the land’s characteristics, agricultural activities, and ownership details. 

By referencing the Khasra number, one can gain insights into the types of soil present, the crops historically cultivated on the land and even details about the owners. This comprehensive geographical information includes the total area of the land, the variety of crops grown, the number of trees in the area, and the quality of the soil. 

What makes the Khasra number truly remarkable is its ability to unlock the historical pattern and evolution of any land, as records can span back as far as 50 years. This rich historical data provides a unique perspective and facilitates a deeper understanding of the land’s past and its significance in the present.

Khasra Number
Khasra Number

Who Assigns the Khasra Number?

The revenue departments authorities, such as the lekhpal and patwari, are responsible for assigning Khasra numbers. These numbers are used to identify individual parcels of land within a village based on the village map.

 The lekhpal and patwari survey the village, allotting a unique number to each land parcel, which is then recorded in the land records. Owning a Khasra number is vital for landowners as it allows them to easily locate their specific land parcel in the records and determine the applicable land revenue.

Importance of a Khasra Number

Cadastre Land Map
Cadastre Land Map

The concept of a Khasra number holds great significance in the context of land ownership and administration. The importance of a Khasra number lies in its ability to provide a systematic and organized framework for land administration, enabling efficient governance and promoting transparency in property ownership.

1. Identifying land parcels: The khasra number is used to identify land parcels in the land records. This is important for several reasons, such as:

  1. Ownership Determination: The Khasra number is a unique identifier for a land parcel, and it can be used to find the land owner’s name by referencing the land registry..
  1. Land Revenue Calculation: Utilizing the khasra number, land revenue calculations become feasible. This is because land revenue is typically computed based on factors such as the size of the land parcel and the crops cultivated on it.
  2. Land Value Assessment: The khasra number aids in assessing the value of a piece of land. Valuation considerations, including location, land features, and development potential, are often correlated with the assigned khasra number.
  1. Monitoring Ownership Changes: Tracking changes in land ownership is simplified through the utilization of the khasra number. By referring to this unique identifier, one can readily identify and monitor any alterations in the ownership records of a particular land parcel.

2. Preventing Land Fraud: The khasra number acts as a deterrent against land fraud. Its uniqueness serves as a robust means of verifying land ownership, helping to safeguard against fraudulent activities related to land transactions and disputes.

How to Check Your Khasra Number?

Users can access the official revenue department website of the state in question to learn more as the majority of states have digitised their land records. Here are some states’ names and websites where you can search your khasra number of your land:

StatePortal link
1Andhra Pradeshhttps://meebhoomi.ap.gov.in/
9Himachal Pradeshhttps://lrc.hp.nic.in/
13Madhya Pradeshhttps://mpbhulekh.gov.in/
19Tamil Nadueservices.tn.gov.in/eservicesnew
22Uttar Pradeshhttp://upbhulekh.gov.in/
23West Bengalhttps://banglarbhumi.gov.in/

You can also visit your city’s tehsildar office to get your khata details.

Differences Between the Khasra Number, the Khata Number and the Khatauni Number

cadastral map of territory with buildings and roads
cadastral map of territory with buildings and roads
Scope of DifferentiationKhasra NumberKhata NumberKhatauni Number
DefinitionAn identification number is assigned to a specific plot of agricultural land in rural areas.A municipal record associated with urban properties, issued by the local municipal corporation or municipality.A document providing comprehensive information about land holdings and rights in rural areas, also known as a Record of Rights (ROR).
PurposeTo maintain land records, determine land ownership, and assess taxes for agricultural land.For property tax assessment and payment, and to determine property ownership and civic responsibilities.For land revenue administration, determining land ownership, resolving land disputes, and maintaining agricultural land details.
ApplicabilityRural areasUrban areasRural areas
Use in TransactionsPrimarily used for agricultural land transactions, including buying, selling, or transferring ownership.Used for property transactions, such as buying, selling, or transferring ownership of urban properties.Primarily used for agricultural land transactions, including buying, selling, or transferring ownership.
Identification of Land ParcelIdentifies a specific agricultural land parcel within a village or area, usually with details of land area, boundaries, and ownership.Identifies urban properties and provides details of the property owner, location, and tax assessment.Provides comprehensive details of agricultural land, including ownership, cultivation, crops grown, and rights associated with the land.
AuthorityMaintained by the revenue department or local land administration authorities in rural areas.Issued by the local municipal corporation or municipality in urban areas.Maintained by the revenue department or local land administration authorities in rural areas.
Tax AssessmentUsed for assessing agricultural land taxes in rural areas.Used for property tax assessment in urban areas.Not directly used for tax assessment, but contains details relevant to land revenue administration.
Legal ImportanceImportant for land ownership validation and resolving disputes related to agricultural land in rural areas.Legally recognized document for urban property ownership and taxation purposes.Legally recognized document for land ownership validation, revenue administration, and resolving disputes related to agricultural land in rural areas.

Details Provided with Khasra, Khatuani and Khata Numbers

Khasra Number
Khasra Number

With the following numbers, we get to know the share of landholders with a particular piece of land.  We also get to know the details of the number of people that have cultivated this land and if the ground is self-cultivated or not. These numbers also provide us with information regarding the family’s landholding that owns the piece of land. We also find out the total area of the agricultural land and the details like the number of people holding the ground in the village.

What is the Batai System?

Historically, the majority of landowners relied on non-landowners for agricultural purposes. The two sides came to an agreement whereby the owner would offer his property and the necessary resources for cultivation, and the cultivators would complete the full operation. Later, each party received an equal share of the crop. In the Hindi-speaking region, this arrangement is referred to as the “Batai system.”

How do Authorities Assign Khasra Numbers?

In rural areas, the assignment of Khasra numbers is a process conducted by the land revenue department to uniquely identify each parcel of land within a village. The procedure for assigning Khasra numbers involves several steps that ensure accurate record-keeping and identification of land parcels.

The process of assigning Khasra numbers is as follows:

  1. The land revenue department prepares a map of the village.
  2. The map is divided into smaller parcels of land and each parcel of land is assigned a unique number.
  3. The Khasra numbers are recorded in the land records.

During the assignment process, several factors are taken into consideration:

  1. The location of the land parcel: To ensure that each Khasra number corresponds to a specific geographical area. 
  2. The size of the land parcel: To accurately demarcate boundaries and determine the land area.
  3. The type of land use: To categorise the land parcel based on its purposes, such as agricultural land, residential land, commercial land, or other specific designations. 
  4. Ownership of land parcel:  The assignment of Khasra numbers in rural areas helps track and identify land ownership by facilitating the accurate maintenance of land records and enabling the precise documentation of changes in ownership.

Checking Land Khasra/Khata/Khatauni Number: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you own land and need to verify your Khasra, Khata, or Khatauni number, this step-by-step guide will assist you in accessing the relevant land records. By following these instructions, you can easily retrieve the necessary information from the dedicated land records website of your respective state:

1. Identify the land records website for your state: Each state has its own land records website, where you can check your land records. You can find the link to the land records website for your state by searching online or by contacting the revenue department in your state.

2. Go to the land records website and select the option to check your Khasra/Khata/Khatauni number: The exact steps for doing this will vary depending on the website, but you should be able to find the option by searching or by clicking on a link that says something like “Check Khasra/Khata/Khatauni Number.”

3. Enter the required information: You will need to enter some basic information about your land, such as the district, tehsil, village, and plot number. You may also need to enter your name or the name of the previous owner of the land.

4. Click on the “Submit” button: Once you have entered all of the required information, click on the “Submit” button. The website will then search for your land records and display your Khasra/Khata/Khatauni number.

Let’s go through the various websites that you can use for the state you are researching-

StateLand Record Name
Andhra PradeshMeebhoomi
RajasthanApna Khata / E-Darth
Tamil NaduPatta Chitta
Himachal PradeshHimbhoomi
MaharashtraBhulekh Mahabhumi
West BengalBangla Bhumi
UttarakhandBhulekh / Devbhoomi
Uttar PradeshBhulekh
Madhya PradeshBhulekh
GoaGoa Land Records

How Can NoBroker Help?

Whether it’s to invest in land or start a new project, it’s always important to know about the history of a land and research the previous landholders. This is a lot of work for a person singularly, so that’s where NoBroker Legal Services come into play. 

NoBroker legal experts can help you locate your Khasra Number within your land records, explain its importance in protecting your land rights, and provide support in resolving any disputes or issues related to it. 

With their expertise and legal guidance, you can navigate through the complexities of land-related matters, ensuring a clear understanding of your Khasra Number and ensuring that your land rights are protected. To know more about our services at NoBroker, click on the link below.


Q1. What is khasra records or a Khasra number?

Ans. Khasra number means a survey number is given to a specific rural land of the property. The Khasra number gives us intricate details about the region and its area. It also gives us information about soil types, crops cultivated, and details about the owners.

Q2. How to identify Khasra number?

Ans. To identify the Khasra number of a property, you can refer to the land records, Khatauni, or Jamabandi. Alternatively, visit the local revenue department office or search online through state government websites for land records using the property’s location.

Q3. Can Khasra number be changed?

Ans. Under certain circumstances, it is possible to change the Khasra number assigned to a piece of land. One instance is when the land is divided or sold, resulting in smaller plots that are assigned new Khasra numbers. Additionally, if there are errors in the land records, such as typographical mistakes or inaccuracies in land measurement, the Khasra number may be modified to rectify the error.

Q4. What is Khatauni in accounting?

Ans. Khatauni is a land record document that contains information about a land parcel, such as the owner’s name, the size of the land, the type of land, and the land revenue. Khatauni is used in accounting to track the ownership of land and to calculate land revenue.

Q5. How can I check my land registry online in India?

Ans. Some popular land records search engines in India include BhuSeva, Digilocker, and the National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP). You are simply required to furnish basic land details (such as the district, tehsil, village, and plot number). 

Once you have provided the required information, the land records search engine will display your land records. The land records will show you the owner’s name, the size of the land, the type of land, and the land revenue.

Power of Attorney: Meaning, Types and Important Clauses

Power of Attorney: Meaning, Types and Important Clauses

There are many circumstances in one’s life where a person having properties, bank accounts, etc. may not be in a situation or a position to perform his/her duties; due to various reasons like being abroad, ill, old etc. In such scenarios, if the transaction requires the presence of an individual who is unable to be present physically, then the only solution is to give their rights or powers to a person who can act on behalf of the individual. This is when a Power of Attorney (POA) is to be created. It is common to give the rights to a dependable person to bear the registrations, sale, rent out, etc. if you are busy with your daily activities.

The agent can have legal authority, or very limited authority to create legal decisions about the principal’s property, finances, medical aid, etc. An influence of an Attorney is an authority given in a written statement where one who is the donor or the principal authorises another person who is the Attorney/agent to act on his behalf.

The Indian Stamp Act defines it as “any instrument empowering any specified person to act for and in the name of the person executing it”. There is a specific act pertaining to the Power of Attorney, it is a very precise and brief one. The basic principles of these documents are governed by agency law in the Indian Contract Act.

Importance Of POA
Importance Of POA

Types of Power of Attorney

1. General Power of Attorney (GPA)

A person can give another person a complete general right or power to act lawfully, with respect to his property or bank accounts, or tax payments, or a registration work to sue a third party etc. Either you can give a GPA for all your properties, banking transactions, tax matters, registration, legal disputes etc. or you can give general power to any category like only for property matters etc. This type of power is wide and has a lot of risks, if the Attorney is not trustworthy.

2. Special Power of Attorney

The other type of power granted is that of special power, which implies it is granted for less than a particular task. Once the actual act is completed the special power of Attorney is terminated. This can be generally employed in situations like if one wants to appear for the registration of any property etc.

3. Non-durable Power of Attorney

The non-durable power of attorney is utilised just for a target measure, and usually for specific transactions during which one grants the agent the authority to act on his/her behalf. Once the transaction is finalized, the non-durable power of attorney is over.

4. Durable Power of Attorney

A durable power of Attorney is way more encompassing than non-durable power of attorney, and is often accustomed to allow an agent to manage all the affairs of the principal, should they become unable to try and do so on their own. It doesn’t have a group fundamental measure and it becomes effective immediately upon the incapacitation of the principal. It does expire upon the principal’s death.

Types of Power of Attorney
Types of Power of Attorney

5. A Special or Limited Power of Attorney

A special or limited power of an attorney is employed on a limited basis for a one-time financial or banking transaction, or for the sale of selected property. This is often most frequently used when the principal is unable to complete the transaction owing to prior commitments or an illness and desires to appoint an agent to act on their behalf. The agent has no other rights to act on behalf of the principal apart from what is assigned to them within the limited power of Attorney.

6. Medical Power of Attorney

The medical power of Attorney grants authority to the agent to take certain control over healthcare decisions of the principal when they are unable to do so. This usually takes effect upon the consent of the presiding physician and it allows the agent to authorize all medical decisions.

7. A Springing Power of Attorney

Springing Power of Attorney becomes effective at a future time and only if a particular event occurs, like an unavoidable circumstance or triggering an event that happens while the principal is out of the country and unable to bear on it. This kind of Power of Attorney may have been durable or non-durable and may encompass any number of affairs the principal wants to allocate to the agent.

Important Clauses to be Present

  • The name, age, address and occupation of the person appointing the facility of Attorney.
  • The person to whom such power is granted to.
  • The date and place of creating power of attorney deed, and also the start date which it comes into force.
  • The date of termination of the facility of attorney deed if it’s limited by time. Just in case, if no specific time is mentioned, then mention whether those are durable or not.
  • In the special power of Attorney, the statute that should be done by the agent and therefore the period of time within which such an act has got to be performed must be clearly mentioned.
  • In cases where general power is granted, then all the acts that the principal authorises the attorney to try and do must be clearly mentioned. If the donor wishes a certain act to not be done, then such acts must even be mentioned.
Clause For Power of Attorney
Clause For Power of Attorney

Stamp Duty for the Ability of Attorney

As per Section 48, Schedule 1 of the Indian statute, tax is duly payable for all types of Power of Attorney. Notarizing the influence of an Attorney is advisable generally. An influence of an attorney who is notarised is presumed to possess and have been executed properly. Read more about stamp duty from here.

Power of Attorney Made by an NRI

An NRI or non-resident Indian can make an influence of Attorney deed even by staying outside India without having to come back to India for that purpose. Most NRIs have properties and banking transactions in India that may require their presence, but it’s often impractical to return to India for every such transaction. For this, NRIs can always give powers to transact to a different person who is either a friend or family. Any power of Attorney executed by NRI’s living abroad must be recorded. Such POA should be certified by the Indian Consular Office of that country, and it must be utilised within a span of 3 months. The POA must be executed on a stamp paper as applicable therein particular country. Any signature made within the POA must be authenticated by the authorities of the Indian embassy.

A power of Attorney looking at the clauses is also Revocable and Irrevocable.

Revocable Power of Attorney

The principal has the authority to withdraw the facility of Attorney whenever he/she wishes to. Revocation is applicable when

  • When the principal revokes the facility of Attorney granted.
  • If both the principal and also the agent are in disagreement with each other.
  • If the power of Attorney renounces his powers
  • If the business that the facility of Attorney was granted gets complete.

Irrevocable Power of Attorney

 For revocation of irrevocable power of attorney, the principal is required to issue a public notice through a local newspaper without which the revocation won’t be considered.

However, within the following cases a principal cannot revoke an influence of the Attorney:

  • Where the ability of the Attorney holder, i.e. the agent himself has an interest within the material of the ability of Attorney. For revocation of the ability of Attorney falling under this category, consent of the ability of Attorney holder is mandatory.
  • Where the agent has partly exercised the act that Power of Attorney was granted, he can’t be stripped with the proper for the act which he already exercised  
Power of Attorney Made by an NRI

How to Prepare a POA Online

If you want to make a power of Attorney online, then you can do it easily sitting at your home and at a very minimal cost. Websites that provide this function need few details like where you live, identity information, etc. The process is simple, you need to fill in the form, make the payment online, print and register the document. No struggles in finding a lawyer, no waste of time and no worries of finding the correct clauses to include in the document and everything will be done and taken care of in a jiffy!

When it comes to legal issues and paperwork, you need to be extremely careful, even the slightest and silliest error could mean a huge loss. The best way to avoid such errors is to get a team of professionals to assist you. Selecting someone to control your power of Attorney and mentioning that it will operate even if you lose capacity ensures that you have a scheme in place for supervising your monetary and personal involvements if you are ever unable to do so.

This gives you more control over how that process will be handled if ever the need arises. If you move to another state or another country, your power of Attorney should remain effective; however, the American Bar Association recommends that you use such a move to update your power of Attorney.

 Power of Attorney Online
Power of Attorney Online

A power of attorney is often a robust estate planning tool and might facilitate you to organize for the unexpected. Without an influence of attorney in situ, if you have been injured in an accident and are unable to speak, there’s no way for your loved ones to access the funds which will be necessary to supply for your care. Additionally, your loved ones could also be unable to communicate your wishes for your treatment unless you’ve taken the required steps to place a medical power of attorney in situ.

If you are an NRI and require a POA to deal with your property in India, it’s time to contact NoBroker. There are a host of services that are tailormade for you. Click the link below to know about NoBroker NRI services.


Q1. Is a lawyer required to prepare a Power of Attorney?

Ans. No, a lawyer isn’t required to prepare a Power of Attorney. You can do it on your own and from the comfort of your home.

Q2. Can more than one agent be appointed for Power of Attorney?

Ans. Yes, many agents can be appointed for POA.

Q3. What documents are required for POA?

Ans. Aadhar card, voter ID or any identity evidence provided by the Government.

Q4. Is attestation required by the witnessed for the POA?

Ans. Yes, at least two witnesses are required for the attestation.

Q5. How many copies of POA should a person sign?

Ans. AIdeally, only one copy needs to be signed.

Force Majeure Clause: Meaning, Clause in RERA and Impact on Homebuyers

Force Majeure Clause: Meaning, Clause in RERA and Impact on Homebuyers

Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, And knowing how to live with insecurity, Is the only security. – John Allen Paulos

Like the rest of the world, India is also reeling from the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic as its effect has reached commerce and business alike. The real-estate sector is one of the largest sectors hit due to this. Loads of projects are being delayed due to the large-scale epidemic nature of this virus, and the reverse migration of labourers to their hometowns. 

The Indian Contract Act, of 1872 has a list of situations in which the ‘Doctrine of frustration’ may excuse performance but it is rarely in the investor’s interests since the situations mentioned are general and do not pertain to the case in question. In order to correct this shortcoming, the Force Majeure Clause came into existence. From a contractual perspective, the Force Majeure Clause alters parties’ obligations in the event of natural or extraordinary situations like a cyclone, natural fire/wildfire, flood, war, earthquake, tsunami or drought.

Force majeure, under RERA Act, means situations where natural disasters like cyclone, natural fire/wildfire, flood, war, earthquake, tsunami, drought, or any other nature-caused calamity, which affected the regular operation of a real estate project. 

In case of a Force Majeure event, under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA Act), section-6 talks about the force majeure condition, where it gives a detailed description about how the registration which is given by the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA), could be extended, in case a promoter applies for the same purpose. 

The most important aspect that needs focus here is, the point that states ‘any other nature-caused calamity’. Therefore, naturally, Covid-19 also comes under this category. In May 2020, the Government announced an extension of the registration period by nine months along with complete waiving of interest for the late hand-over of possessions. The ministry also provided an extension of the validity of the registration and the completion date, suo-moto, by six months, for all real estate projects registered under RERA Act, which were expiring on March 25, 2020.

Force Majeure Clause
Force Majeure Clause

What Does Force Majeure Mean?

The word Force Majeure means superior force in French. The term force majeure is described in Black’s Law Dictionary as “an event or effect that can neither be predicted nor managed/avoided.” According to law, this term basically refers to unforeseeable circumstances which make any project commercially impossible and prevents people from performing their contractual obligations. 

The aftermath of large-scale disasters like Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Covid-19 recently, which is still going on, there arises a need to carefully plan for unexpected situations by negotiating meeting contracts. This might include things like – in case of an emergency, a cancellation of a meeting will be possible without any liabilities, in the form of cancellation fees or whether the meeting can continue in the event of low attendance. Once these factors are cleared and well-understood, this will arise as a key tool in order to mitigate risks in challenging situations. A carefully negotiated Force majeure clause will provide power and flexibility to you during emergencies and tackle the situation in a way to minimize loss for all parties associated. 

The concerned parties can draw up a carefully negotiated Force majeure clause to be able to be more flexible during times of crisis. This can be done in presence of or without the assistance of legal counsels. Now the question arises what exactly falls under the purview of ‘unforeseeable circumstances”? Often called an ‘Act of God’ clause these provisions natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, storms, terrorism, labour strikes and medical epidemics and outbreaks like COVID-19 recently i.e. situations in which we have no control.  But there usually lies a catch in court-rooms such that they strictly follow the exact events listed and do not provide any breather for any similar event to what is listed when they assess the performance of a party. Thus it’s imperative to take into consideration things like local weather, limitations, risks et cetera at the project location.

Force Majeure Meaning
Force Majeure Clause Meaning

Force Majeure Clause

The Indian Contract Act or the common law does not exactly have the provisions for what to do in case of unforeseeable circumstances and this might lead to a huge loss for all parties involved in a project. Common law contains doctrines of “impracticability” and “frustration of purpose” which rarely helps the investor’s cause. Therefore, nowadays it is always advisable to include a force majeure clause in the contract. 

Often called the ‘Act of God’ clause, this provisions natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, storms, terrorism, labour strikes and medical epidemics and outbreaks like COVID-19 recently i.e. situations in which we have no control.  But there usually lies a catch in courts such that they stringently follow the exact events listed and do not provide any breather for any similar event to what is listed when they assess the performance of a party. Thus, it’s imperative to take into consideration things like local weather, limitations, risks et cetera at the project location.  Therefore, it’s advisable for meeting planners to draw up a carefully negotiated force majeure clause in order to achieve more flexibility during emergency situations. 

Force Majeure Clause
Force Majeure Clause

Force Majeure Clause in RERA

The whole world is reeling under the effect of the COVID-19 and India is no exception. On 13th May, 2020 Indian Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs issued an advisory to all states and UTs to invoke the force majeure clause by increasing the registration period of all real estate projects by six months. Invoking of the Force Majeure clause under the Indian Contract Act will benefit the developer in the following ways:

  • Extending the period of registration by six months automatically with an option to extend by additional three months based on the discretion of the regulatory authority.
  • Waiver of fees for this period
  • A time limit to comply will automatically be the same as the time of the force majeure
  • This Force Majeure period will be treated as a period of moratorium, to calculate interest for delayed completion and possession of the project. Now, this has been extended to homebuyers.
  • Dates of possession of properties that are mentioned in the registered agreements for sale and new registration of agreements for sale are extended.
  •  Extension of dates for certain other compliances such as the transfer of title

The RERA 2016 Act only mentions extending the registration due to Force Majeure but all other entitlements that come from this will have to be specifically drafted by the State Regulatory Authorities. 

But, while this may be a boon for developers and investors, the Force Majeure Clause has little to offer to those who are buying a home. 

How Will The Force Majeure Clause Impact Homebuyers?

According to a survey by Track2Realty, 92% of homebuyers have no problem with the Government regulations regarding the extension of registration periods to builders by six months but they are feeling left out in a lurch. The Indian buyer sure understands that the lockdown due to Covid19 was something nobody could expect and the extension is logical, but a considerable 54% is not convinced with the scope of an extra three months additional extension. The wide-spread sentiment is that it is only justified that the buyer also gets an equal leeway in this whole process. The point is why is the homebuyer not included?  The builder’s obligation towards home- buyers, like interest on late possession of house is waived but the home buyer’s EMI including interest is compounded. Are they not affected by the lockdown also?

Honestly, this sentiment is not unfounded because like the developer, the buyer has also been hit with sudden delays in possession by at least nine months in addition to the pressure of EMIs in face of salary cuts and loss of jobs. Though RBI regulations allow banks to put a six-month moratorium on the EMI payments, there is no waiver unlike for builders who do not have to pay any interest for the delay in handing over possession. The EMI will be added to the whole tenure of the term loan with compound interest.

Home buyers are now demanding consideration over restructuring of home loans, so that they can be helped with the deferment of EMIs, without undertaking any additional costs. They are demanding an exit clause that does not include any penalty, in events of Force Majeure. This came into the light since many running projects were already delayed due to the impact of pandemic. 

Act of god clause Impact
Force majeure Clause Impact

Can Buyers Cite The Force Majeure Clause for Non-Payment of EMIs?

No. In the face of the Corona pandemic, the Government has put out a series of notifications regarding the complete waiving of interests for the builders but is largely silent on this unjust exclusion of the middle-class mass from this safety net.  Delays in projects are not the only thing that worries buyers. The middle class is facing salary cuts and job losses with home loan interest adding into the burden. The government has announced EMI moratorium spanning for six months for buyers but they ultimately would have to pay extra if they choose the moratorium. The Indian middle class do not want a total EMI waiver but to burden them with a compounded interest is simply an extreme lack of consideration for the masses. The force majeure relief should have been applied to the buyers too since builders are not the only one crippled by the pandemic. But what would seem like a bummer for borrowers, a job loss because of unprecedented circumstances cannot be cited for not paying EMI. Basically, this clause definitely relieves the corporate sector but has created additional burden on the common man who, when unable to pay EMIs will cripple the investors too. An order of balance between the buyer and the developer is the need of the hour.

Force Majeure Clause For Non-Payment of EMIs
Force Majeure Clause For Non-Payment of EMIs

The Government of India has declared the Coronavirus as a Force Majeure event and has definitely provided relief to investors and real estate companies. With the new mandate, all interests have been waived but on the other hand due to late possession, the middle class is reeling under the rent pressure in addition to threats of job loss and salary cuts. Though banks are holding a 6-month moratorium, the amount has to be ultimately paid with compounded interest. Everyone has been affected by the Coronavirus and the Government needs to realize that the common man also needs some breather in order to not get overly burdened. Too much pressure on the middle class will mean inability to pay EMIs which will cripple the investors anyway. Surveys show that the common man wants leeway into this real estate setup, especially in cases like the force majeure clause which will create a balance. For more information, please visit NoBroker legal services by clicking below.


What does Force Majeure mean?

Force Majeure simply means the superior force in French. It is used to refer to an event or effect that cannot be controlled or predicted beforehand.

What situations come under the purview of a Force Majeure clause?

The Force Majeure clause is also known as the “Act of God” clause refers to natural disasters like storms, floods, medical epidemics in addition to terrorist attacks, labor protests and many other things.

What benefit does a Force Majeure clause provide?

The Force Majeure clause extends the builder registration by six months with the option of extending to another three months with the complete waiving of interest on handing over your possession late. 

What does Force Majeure mean for the common man?

Practically nothing. Though you are allowed by banks for a six month moratorium on your EMIs, you have to ultimately pay the whole amount with compound interest with no waiving.

Can the buyer cite the force majeure clause to not pay EMIs?

No, the common man cannot cite any unprecedented situation like loss of jobs or salary cuts as a force majeure clause in order to not pay EMIs.

CTS Number of Property: What is CTS Number in Property Card

CTS Number of Property: What is CTS Number in Property Card

Over the years, governments across different states in India have taken several initiatives to classify and identify land parcels. The Superintendent of Land Records in Mumbai introduced a system of associating land parcels with CTS(Chain and Triangulation Survey) Numbers

The CTS No. of property in Mumbai is a unique identification number provided by the state government that helps them in identifying and classifying the land parcels and properties within the vicinity of the city. In this blog, we will talk about what is a CTS number, its importance and the process of how to search for a city land survey number online.

What is a CTS Number?

What Is A CTS Number
CTS Number

CTS no full form is Chain and Triangulation Survey Number(also known as Cadastral Survey Number in the Mumbai division). As the name suggests, the CTS number is a number allotted to all properties and land parcels in Mumbai. 

If you take a look at the CTS number full form carefully, CTS no means a unique number allotted to the properties during the city-wide surveys conducted by the Department of Land Records in Mumbai. Since, all properties have a unique CTS No., there are a lot of benefits of a property card CTS No. Let’s take a look at some functions and benefits of CTS number Mumbai and how this unique identification system was determined

The History of CTS Number: How is CTS Number Determined?

(The History of CTS Number: How is CTS Number Determined?)

The Department of Land Records in Mumbai is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of property records and real estate data of the city. There is an interesting story about how the entire system came into play. Just after India got its independence in 1947, Mumbai emerged as one of the most prominent cities in the country with a lot of opportunity and scope for development. By the next decade, the city was booming with small-scale businessmen and merchants flocking to the city for their trade. 

With real estate being a prominent sector of investment and business, it was almost impossible to keep track of the property transactions and ownership details of land parcels.

In the early 1960s, the Superintendent of Land Records in Mumbai was tasked with coming up with a system to help in the maintenance of land records. He struggled a bit with different methodologies but eventually came upon the idea to just number the land parcels. Since numbers can run up to an infinite scale, registration of new land parcels didn’t create a challenge for the department. Hence, the CTS survey number came into inception. There have been certain modifications in the guidelines of the CTS number of a property to make the system as convenient as possible according to current times. 

Benefits of CTS Numbers: Why do we Need CTS Numbers?

Benefits of CTS Number
Benefits of CTS Number

We saw that in terms of property, CTS’s full form is the Chain and Triangulation Survey number. Since this number is unique for all land parcels and properties in the city, there are a lot of use cases for a CTS number. A few of them are:

  1. It will be used in all future real estate transactions to determine land details
  2. It helps in identifying any unauthorized construction
  3. It is used to obtain building approvals and permissions in case you wish to make modifications to your property
  4. You can easily access your land records using the CTS number Mumbai online.
  5. You will be able to access land records on the official website of Mahabhulekh using your CTS number.

CTS Number Search: How to get the CTS Number of a Property

CTS Number Search
CTS Number Search

The Department of Land Records has made it very convenient for the city to survey a number of a property. There are three distinct and very easy methods to find your CTS Number in Mumbai. Let’s take a look at the step-by-step procedure of how to get a city survey number. 

CTS No. Search Through Property Card

The CTS number can be found on the property card Mumbai and the 7/12 Utara (7/12 extract) of all the properties in Mumbai. It is also mentioned in the schedule of the property agreement for apartments. 

How to Find City Survey Numbers Online

The CTS Number of land parcels in Mumbai can also be availed easily from the convenience of your home. The Maharashtra government has started the Maharashtra Bhumi Abhilekh website (https://mahabhulekh.maharashtra.gov.in/) that helps in CTS number search. Here are the steps to find out property details using CTS number Mumbai online:

  • Visit the official land record site of Maharashtra (https://esearchigr.maharashtra.gov.in/portal/esearchlogin.aspx)
  • Register on the portal and sign-up using your credentials.
  • To get property details, enter the name of the village, district and year.
  • Enter the required details about your property.
  • Click on the search tab, and your property details will be displayed. 

CTS No. Search Through Property Card

The CTS number can be found on the property card Mumbai and the 7/12 Utara (7/12 extract) of all the properties in Mumbai. It is also mentioned in the schedule of the property agreement for apartments.
Read RERA Rules for Redevelopment in India: What You Need to Know

How to Find CTS Number of Property in Mumbai Online

The CTS Number of land parcels in Mumbai can also be availed easily from the convenience of your home. The Maharashtra government has started the Maharashtra Bhumi Abhilekh website that helps in CTS number search. Here are the steps to find out property details using CTS number Mumbai online:

  1. Visit the official land record site of Maharashtra
  2. Register on the portal and sign-up using your credentials.
  3. Enter the name of the village, district and year.

Click on the search tab and your property details will be displayed.

Visit CTSO

All the land parcels in Mumbai come under the jurisdiction of the CTSO (Chain and Triangulation Survey Office). Any landowner can avail of the CTS number at the CTSO office. Here is a complete list of all the CTSO in Mumbai along with the area they are in charge of. 

List of CTS Offices in Mumbai with Jurisdiction

AndheriAndheriAndheri, Ismailia, Ambivali, Bandivali, Madh, Majas, Mogara, Versova, Oshivara
AndheriBandraBandra, Paris Ghakhar, Kole-Kalyan
AndheriVile-ParleVile-Parle, Gundavali, Kondivita, Bapnala, Chakala, Juhu, Bramhanwada, Parjapur, Marol, Mulgaon, Vyarvali, Sahar
BorivaliBorivaliBorivali, Kandivali, Eksar, Dahisar, Gorai, Manori, Magathane, Mandpeshwar, Shimpoli, Charkop, Kanheri
BorivaliGoregaonAksa, Akurli, Erangal, Daravali, Pahari-Eksar, Pahari-Goregaon, Poisar, Malavani, Marve, Valanai, Wadhavan
BorivaliMaladAarey, Kurar, Klerabad, Goregaon, Gundgaon, Chichavali, Tulsi, Dindoshi, Sai, Malad
KurlaMulundKopari, Kanjur, Tirandaj, Nahur, Pawai, Paspoli, Bhandup, Mulund
KurlaGhatkoparAsalpha, Kirol, Ghatkopar, Ghatkopar-Kirol, Chandivali, Tungao, Deonar, Vikhroli, Hariyali
KurlaChemburAnik, Chembur, Turbhe, Borla, Mankhurd, Maravali, Mandale, Vadhavali, Mahul
KurlaKurlaKurla, Mohali, Saki
(Source: https://mumbaisuburban.gov.in/)

The Chain and Triangulation Survey number (CTS Number) is allotted to all the land parcels and properties in Mumbai. The CTS Number system is very helpful in avoiding real estate feuds and resolving conflicts around a property. 

Property-related parameters like the CTS number Mumbai are very important for the maintenance and upkeep of land records and any discrepancies in the land registration process can lead to conflicts and complications. 
To avoid all the hassle related to real estate, get expert legal consultation with NoBroker. We guarantee our clients the best real estate legal services at the lowest prices guaranteed. Just comment about your requirement under this blog and our executive will be in touch with you shortly. 

legal cta


Q1. What is the CTS number for a property?

Ans. The CTS number is a Chain and Triangulation Survey number allotted to all properties in Mumbai. 

Q2. How to find the CTS number of a property in Mumbai online?

Ans. You can find the CTS number at the respective CTS Office or from the Mahabhulekh portal (https://mahabhulekh.maharashtra.gov.in/)

Q3. What is CTS in full form in property and real estate?

Ans. In terms of property and real estate, a CTS number is a unique identification number allotted to properties as an identifier. CTS Number full form is Chain and Triangulation Survey number.

Q4. Where is the CTS number mentioned in the property documents?

Ans. The CTS number is mentioned in the property card of the land and the 7/12 Utara (7/12 extract) of all the properties in Mumbai

Q5. How can I search for the CTS number of my property?

Ans. The CTS number of your property will be mentioned in the property card and the 7/12 Utara (7/12 extract) of the land parcel. Additionally, information about the CTS No. of a property can be availed at the CTS Office (CTSO). 

All You Need to Know about Revenue Stamps

All You Need to Know about Revenue Stamps

Before and after independence, India has been a big consumer of revenue stamps. Revenues were originally produced in the mid-nineteenth century, and they continue to be issued now. To collect taxes or fees, the revenue stamp is utilised. They are used to indicate the payment of a charge on objects or papers, and they resemble postage stamps in appearance. Want to know more about the revenue stamp paper? Read the article to know in detail about the revenue ticket.

What is a Revenue Stamp?

The purpose of revenue stamps (India) is to collect fees or income for the maintenance of courts. The Indian Stamp Act of 1899 is a statute – between 1899 and 2004, it was revised 51 times. If you make a payment of more than Rs. 5000/- to another person, you can demand a stamped receipt with a Re 1/- revenue stamp (1 rupee revenue stamp) under section 30. The Indian Stamp Act 1899, Section 2(23), mandates the affixing of a stamp revenue on any receipt above Rs 5000 (formerly Rs 500) necessary.

The Revenue Stamp ‘Receipts’ Includes

Revenue Stamps
Revenue stamp tickets are compulsory to submit with a few documents.
  1. acknowledging the receipt of any money, cheque, or promissory note, or any bill of exchange, or
  2. acknowledging the receipt of any other movable property in satisfaction of a debt, or
  3. acknowledging the satisfaction or discharge of any debt or demand, or any part of a debt or demand, or
  4. which signifies or imports any such acknowledgement; and whether it is assigned to the same person or not.

Directorate of Registration and Stamp Revenue

Each city has their own directorate and revenue stamp use. This system acts as the collector of revenue stamps and their charges. Each state has their website for the directorate which makes transactions and records faster and more transparent.

Where can I get Revenue Stamps?

If you are wondering – where to buy a revenue stamp, then your answer is easy. Revenue Stamps are available at all postal offices. Postal offices have made official comments that the revenue stamps are not available anywhere else, but you can find them in local shops where to get revenue stamps you would have to pay a slightly higher price.

Revenue stamp price in Post Office – 100 paisa

Revenue stamp cost in local shops – Re. 1

Rent Receipt with Revenue Stamp

Revenue Stamps
You must obtain paying invoices from your landlord and submit them to your employer to claim HRA deductions.

If you are wondering ‘is a revenue stamp required for a rent receipt,’ then the answer is yes. If you live on rent and your wage package includes a home rent allowance (HRA), according to revenue stamp rules, you will need to provide rent receipts as proof of expense.

To claim the tax deductions available to tenants under the Indian Income Tax (IT) rules, you must produce confirmation of the amount paid to your landlord under the rental agreement to your employer. Rent receipts serve as documentary proof that you deducted a set amount from your salary to cover the cost of renting an apartment, and they are crucial for claiming HRA-related tax benefits.

Before the conclusion of the fiscal year, your employer will request that you submit your rent receipt online with revenue or fiscal stamps. You must obtain paying invoices from your landlord and submit them on a one-rupee revenue stamp to your employer to claim HRA deductions, even if you pay your rent via credit card or other online money transfer methods.

If the monthly rent exceeds Rs 3,000, the renter must disclose the rent receipts with his employer to claim HRA exemption. They do not need to bother about revenue stamp on rent receipt if their monthly rent is less. It’s also important to note that you don’t have to submit the rent agreement in order to claim the HRA benefit because the tax system doesn’t require it. The tenancy will not be valid, however, until the landlord and the renter have signed and executed a rent agreement.

The price of a revenue stamp used on rent receipts is just ₹1. These are easily available at your local post office. However, small shops and some online portals also claim to sell these revenue stamps. These online revenue stamps will cost you more than the one rupee post office revenue stamps. You also run the risk of ending up with a fake or old revenue stamps for rent receipt if bought from such unreliable sources. 

Who is Eligible for HRA?

If you live in rental housing and HRA is included in your pay, you can claim deductions. If you live in rental housing and are a salaried individual, you can take advantage of HRA exemptions to save money on taxes under Section 10 (13A) of the IT Act. HRA tax deduction is available to self-employed professionals under Section 80GG of the statute.

Rent Receipts and their Benefits

Revenue Stamps
If the rent exceeds Rs 1 lakh per annum, the landlord’s PAN number is also necessary.

A rent receipt is a record of a tenant’s payment of rent to their landlord. When the landlord collects the rent from the renter, he gives the tenant a rent receipt. If you are eligible, it can be used for legal concerns or tax benefits. Before the end of the financial year, you must submit vital documents to your employers, such as rent receipts and a rent agreement, in order to claim House Rent Allowance (HRA). If the rent exceeds Rs 1 lakh per annum, the landlord’s PAN number is also necessary.

What are the Components of a filled Rent Receipt with a Revenue Stamp?

After generating a rent receipt online with a revenue stamp, check the receipt. To remain valid, rent receipts must include the following information:

  • The landlord’s name
  • The tenant’s name 
  • The property’s address
  • Term of Rental
  • Amount of rent
  • Payment method for rent (cash, cheque, online payment)
  • The tenant’s signature
  • The landlord’s signature
  • If the cash payment is greater than Rs 5,000 per receipt, a revenue stamp required for cash payment is mandatory. 
  • If your yearly rent payment exceeds Rs 1 lakh or Rs 8,300 per month, you must provide the landlord’s PAN.

Rent Receipt Format with Revenue Stamp

The photo below is an accurate representation of the rent receipt.

Revenue Stamps
If you’re tech-savvy, then you can also get the pdf of the rent receipt with the revenue stamp.

Revenue stamps have stayed in India for a long time and have increased to grow relevant. Revenue stamps are required for rent receipts, and all its details have been explained above. If you have more questions about stamp revenue, drop a comment here, and our team at NoBroker will get back to you promptly. Or head to NoBroker Forum to have all your questions answered. For any legal queries please contact our legal team by clicking the link below.


Q1. From where we get revenue stamps? What is the cost of revenue stamp?

Ans. Latest revenue stamps are easily available at your local shops and revenue stamp post offices. They do not cost more than Re 1.

Q2. What should I do if I don’t have a revenue stamp on my rent receipt?

Ans. If payment in cash exceeds Rs. 5000, a stamp must be placed on the receipt. A rent receipt with a revenue stamp becomes a legal document, indicating that payment has been received by the recipient and paid by the payer.

Q3. How do I make a claim for HRA if my company does not pay me the same amount?

Ans. If you are not eligible for House Rent Allowance and have not claimed any expense for rent paid under any other provision of the income tax act, you can deduct the amount paid under Section 80GG.

Q4. What if my landlord isn’t in possession of a PAN card?

Ans. If the landlord does not have a PAN card and charges more than Rs 1 lakh in annual rent, he must produce a written declaration along with Form 60. These documents can subsequently be submitted to the tenant’s employer in order to receive HRA deductions

Q5. My landlord will not provide me with a rent receipt. What options do I have?

Ans. You may not be eligible to claim HRA exemption if your landlord does not give you a rent receipt. Before renting an apartment, make sure you and your landlord agree to a revenue stamp on the rent receipt.

Stay Order in India: What You Need to Know

Stay Order in India: What You Need to Know

Curious about what a stay order is in India? Picture this: Three brothers file a case for property partition. Later, a stranger claims ownership of the same property. Now, there are two conflicting cases involving the same property and individuals. This is where a stay order steps in. A stay order from court means that the partition case is suspended until the stranger’s ownership claim is settled, preventing conflicting judgments. Stay orders can apply to various scenarios involving your property or assets. Our guide covers all you need to know to navigate this crucial legal concept and avoid future legal complications. Stay informed to protect your rights and assets. 

Defining a Stay Order    

Defining a Stay Order
A stay order is a temporary act of stopping or postponing the use of a property or land until a verdict is reached

A ‘stay’ or ‘stay order’ is defined as the act of temporarily stopping or postponing any judicial proceeding through the court or legal authorities in India, in order to secure the rights of a citizen. It could lead to the suspension of a case, or even the suspension of any specific proceeding within an ongoing case. In the case of any key development that may require it, a judge may decide to issue a stay order without even formally prompting the other party or even a request being made to them in this regard.

There are two types of stay orders – ‘stay of proceedings’ and ‘stay of execution’. A stay of proceedings, as mentioned in the scenario above, is issued by the court in case there are parallel proceedings that take place, and which may affect either one. A stay of execution refers to the complete halting of the enforcement of a verdict or judgement against someone, for example when it is believed that a person is innocent and is given a pardon. This means that stay orders can persist conditionally or even absolutely. 

Let us now look at the different scenarios where a stay order may be applicable.

Types of Stay Order Formats

Types of Stay Order Formats
A court stay order can be issued in case any illegal construction is taking place

There are several scenarios in which a stay order suit can be issued:

  1. In the case of a property in dispute is vulnerable to becoming damaged, wasted, or alienated by any party, or sold wrongfully due to the execution of the verdict
  2. In the case of the defendant threatening or intending to remove or even dispose of the property in dispute to defraud creditors
  3. In the case of the defendant threatening to cause harm to the plaintiff in relation to the property in dispute

Typically, you may have (or may in the future) come across these stay order procedures:

  • Stay order on property: This is a temporary stay order on any property in the case the property in dispute has been / is being damaged, wasted, alienated, or wrongfully sold; or in other cases where the property in dispute has been threatened to be disposed of.
  • Stay order on land: Given India is a vast agricultural land, a court-mandated stay order on land refers to a temporary halt on any use of the land. This is in the case the land in dispute doesn’t have a determined owner, or any illegal practices have occurred in that land.  

For you to file such a request for a stay order, you need to keep in mind that there is a duration to consider for the stay order process to get over, along with the appropriate amount of legal counsel as well as a mandatory court stay order fees. 

For one, you must first establish prima facie i.e., the legal claim that shows enough evidence to move ahead with a legal trial or verdict on the case. You must meet the fundamental criteria for the case to happen in the first place. This is why you must prove the three things below:

  1. That if the stay order is not issued, the appellant may face irreversible damage or make the judicial process complicated
  2. The stay order application has been made without any unnecessary delay (so that the intent is incidental in relation to the dispute)
  3. That appellant has given security enough for the case to come to a verdict and will consider it binding

If the proofs mentioned above prove correct, the court may grant a stay order. If the existing court doesn’t grant the stay order, you can also take the appeal to an even higher court, for instance, getting a supreme court judgement on a stay order due to an illegal overtaking of a property. 

Registering a Court Stay Order 

If you are wondering how to get a stay order from the court in the case of a dispute over your property’s rightful ownership, worry not. You can simply approach the court with the FIR (First Information Report), a copy of the charge sheet, the proper documents of the property, your ID proof, along all the documents you consider are relevant to the case. As for the time required for the process to complete, a high court stay order validity after issuance can take anywhere from 7 to 21 days, all depending on how quickly the prima facie satisfies the court, and how strong your case is presented to the court. Nevertheless, a stay order may not be granted for a duration greater than 6 months. 

Do note that in some cases the high court may not interfere such as the ones falling under the SARFAESI Act (Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security) introduced in 2002 to help Indian banks and lenders recover their dues (say, in case a borrower is not able to pay his or her home loan dues for a long period of time and allows the lender to recover the collateral asset). Read more about the SARFAESI Act here. In the Haryana and Punjab High Courts, for example, it was recently made clear the courts cannot hinder the recovery proceedings once they have been initiated. It means you may not be able to take a stay order against the SARFAESI act. Alternatively, you can seek remedy by approaching the Debt Recovery Tribunal.

What Happens After a Stay Order is Violated?

A stay order is a legal order meant to curb activities pertaining to disputed land, property, etc. However, if any party is observed to be in violation of the stay order, that is, continuing activities such as construction, sale, etc, legal action can be taken. 

You can launch a civil contempt lawsuit against the contravenor in the High Court if the court has previously issued a stay order and it is not being implemented. You should file a police complaint, advise them of the court orders, and ask them to make sure they are obeyed before you file a contempt suit with the High Court.

Getting The Right Legal Counsel Matters a Great Deal!

Getting The Right Legal Counsel Matters a Great Deal!
The right legal expertise with stay order can make a huge difference

The several facets of a case can be quite complex and navigating the Indian legal system can be complicated for a layman. This is why seeking the counsel of a good property or real-estate lawyer can help prevent unfair verdicts where you may actually have a strong case. Moreover, getting all the documentation correct with the help of a lawyer helps minimize the chances of refusal at the court where you are requesting a stay order. Finally, having an experienced lawyer by your side who has dealt with such cases in the past helps you avoid any common mistakes. Your dream home, after all, must not come with unnecessary legal and financial issues that you may end up living with for a long time. When it comes to legal issues and paperwork, you need to be extremely careful, even the slightest mistake could mean a huge loss. The best way to avoid such mistakes is to get a team of professionals to assist you. At NoBroker, our experts can guide you and ensure your paperwork is perfect. 


Q1. What is court stay order mean in a simple sentence?

Ans. A court stay order means stopping or postponing a judicial case to protect the rights of either of the appealing or defendant parties. 

Q2. How to take stay order from the court?

Ans. You need to present the FIR, a copy of the charge sheet, the proper documents of the property, ID proof, and all the documents relevant to the case. To be safe, you should take the expert service of a property lawyer to know more about how to get stay order on the property.

Q3. How to remove stay order on the property?

Ans. It is possible to remove stay order from a property in dispute by filing a petition to cancel the stay order and proving the necessary requirements. To be safe, you should take the expert service of a property lawyer to know more about how to remove stay order on a property.

Q4. How to get stay order on illegal construction?

Ans. You can file a complaint with the necessary proof to the municipal authorities and your local police station. The court may even grant a temporary injunction for the act to be restrained until a verdict is reached.

Q5. . Can a stay order in civil case be cancelled?

Ans. Yes, a stay order can be cancelled by filing a petition for cancellation along with the necessary proof explaining the grounds for cancellation.

Meebhoomi: Everything You Need to Know About the Digitisation of AP Land Records

Meebhoomi: Everything You Need to Know About the Digitisation of AP Land Records

The Government of India has started new drives and campaigns to make India a digital superpower. With accessible services around the country, Internet penetration continues to grow. In a bid to remove corruption and simplify the process of land registration, the state governments of various states have started online portals for the upkeep of records. One such portal is MeeBhoomi- the online portal for maintaining records about land ownership and other such services by the state government of Andhra Pradesh. With this online portal, a citizen of the state of Andhra Pradesh can access information like owner details, assessments and liabilities of the properties. Let’s take a detailed look at how the online portal functions and what important features it offers to the users:

Meebhoomi: Digitising Ownership Details and Land Records in Andhra Pradesh

MeeBhoomi was launched by the Revenue Department of Andhra Pradesh in the year 2015. Through this online portal, residents of Andhra Pradesh can access details about the land rights in the state and related ownership details. Over time, the MeeBhoomi AP portal has included more related services for the convenience of the users. However, the main objective of the portal remains to provide first-hand information to all sellers, buyers and landowners of the state of Andhra Pradesh and maintain transparency throughout the process. The official website of MeeBhoomi is https://meebhoomi.ap.gov.in/ and can be accessed from anywhere. The state government has also launched a mobile application for more convenience at the go. 

Features of MeeBhoomi Website

Features of MeeBhoomi Website
(Features of MeeBhoomi Website)

With the MeeBhoomi website, users can check the apland records. Apart from seeing the ownership details and area of the land, a user can see other important information about the property like: 

  • Source of water
  • Owner Details
  • Land Area
  • Land Assessment
  • Land Liabilities 
  • Type of soil
  • Tenancy 
  • Crop Details
  • Details about the Province
  • MeeBhoomi Passbook
  • Patta Passbook
  • List of landlords of the village
  • KYC Details of the landowner

Through the MeeBhoomi portal, registered users can also get a softcopy of meebhoomi adangal, meebhoomi 1b, meebhoomi 22a meebhoomi E-passbook status in AP and meebhoomi passbook and meebhoomi RoR along with other important meebhoomi documents.

All You Need to Know About Meebhoomi 1b Adangal

MeeBhoomi Pahani in AP

Adangal is a local term for detailed information about a piece of land. It is also called MeeBhoomi pahani. In Andhra, these records are maintained by local heads appointed for day-to-day village administration. Want to know how to access adangal online on the meebhoomi search, read further. 

Meebhoomi: Search Adangal online

Step 1: Visit the official MeeBhoomi website.

Step 2: From the drop-down menu at the top, click on the ‘meebhoomi adangal’ option.

Step 3: Choose Personal Adangal or Village Adangal, as per requirement, from the drop-down box.

Step 4: You are redirected to a new page where you will be required to provide some more details about your land. Fill in the details like Village name, District name, Zone name, Survey No etc. 

Step 5: Submit the captcha verification and proceed. 

Step 6: Your MeeBhoomi Adangal search is complete. 

MeeBhoomi RoR 1b: Explained

MeeBhoomi RoR 1b or the Record of Right is an official document maintained by the Revenue department of the state of Andhra Pradesh proving an extract of land records. It was the responsibility of the state’s Revenue Department to maintain all land records and they used RoR 1b for that purpose. After the digitisation, 1b records can be viewed and downloaded online via the MeeBhoomi website. Let’s take a look at the step-by-step process to download MeeBhoomi RoR 1b records online. 

Step-by-Step Process to Download MeeBhoomi RoR 1B: How to View and Download 1B Records?

Step 1: Visit the official MeeBhoomi website.

Step 2: From the drop-down menu at the top, click on the ‘Meebhoomi RoR’ option.

Step 3: You are redirected to a new page where you will be required to provide some more details about your land. Fill in the details like Village name, District name, Zone name, Survey No etc. 

Step 4: Submit the captcha verification and proceed. 

Step 5: Your MeeBhoomi Adangal search is complete. 

Through these simple steps, you can complete 1b adangal downloads conveniently. 

Difference Between MeeBhoomi 1B and Meebhoomi Adangal

MeeBhoomi 1B is a document maintained by the revenue department of the state of Andhra Pradesh. The MeeBhoomi 1B document mainly deals with the ownership of land and provides details regarding the current owner of the land. This is the document that is often used for the purpose of loans and court cases regarding disputes of ownership. The MeeBhoomi Adangal is a document that is often handled by the village administration. It usually provides details regarding just the land, that is, type of land, purpose, etc.

Meebhoomi Aadhaar Link: The Complete Process

It’s very easy to make your KYC verification online and link your Aadhaar card with your MeeBhoomi profile. The process of MeeBhoomi Aadhaar Link hardly takes a few minutes and here’s how it can be done:

Step 1: Visit the official MeeBhoomi website.

Step 2: From the drop-down menu at the top, click on the ‘Aadhaar/Other Identities’ option.

Strep 3: Select the option’ Aadhaar Linking”

Step 4: You are redirected to a new page where you will be required to provide some more details like your Aadhaar number and information about your land. Fill in the details like Village name, District name, Zone name, Survey No etc. 

Step 5: Submit the captcha verification and proceed. 

Step 6: Your MeeBhoomi Aadhaar Link Search is complete. 

This is the process to link your Aadhaar card to your Meebhoomi profile. You can also link other documents like ration cards and voter ID through the same process. 

What is the Meebhoomi Passbook?

What is Meebhoomi Pattadar Passbook
(MeeBhoomi Pattadar Passbook)

Through the Meebhoomi online land records portal, the state government of Andhra Pradesh has made the process of checking and downloading the E-Passbook very convenient. The pattadar  Meebhoomi passbook is the E-Passbook and a digitally unsigned record in meebhoomi.  You can also check the AP pattadar passbook status on MeeBhoomi. Let’s take a look at the steps to download the E-passbook on the meebhoomi registration portal. 

How to View and Download Meebhoomi Pattadar Passbook Status in AP?

  • Visit the official MeeBhoomi documents website.
  • From the menu, select ‘Electronic passbook’ to view your pattadar passbook. 
  • Enter required details like district name, zone and village
  • Fill in your account details and enter your phone number. Enter the captcha code for verification and click. 
  • You can view your MeeBhoomi Passbook and download it now. 

Ensure your browser allows pop-ups to be displayed so you can view your Meebhoomi passbook status and download all your documents properly.

Meebhoomi EC: Download Encumbrance Certificate through MeeBhoomi Land Records Portal

Step 1: Visit the official MeeBhoomi website.

Step 2: From the drop-down menu at the top, click on the ‘Meebhoomi EC’ option.

Step 3: You are redirected to a new page where you will be required to provide some more details about your land. Fill in the details like Village name, District name, Zone name, Survey No etc. 

Step 4: Submit the captcha verification and proceed. 

Step 5: Your MeeBhoomi EC search is complete. You can view and download your EC certificate. 

How to Link your Phone Number with MeeBhoomi Details

Step 1: Visit the official MeeBhoomi website.

Step 2: From the drop-down menu at the top, click on the ‘Phone Number Link’ option.

Strep 3: Select the option’ Phone Linking”

Step 4: You are redirected to a new page where you will be required to provide some more details like your phone number and information about your land. Fill in the details like Village name, District name, Zone name, Survey No etc. 

Step 5: Submit the captcha verification and proceed. 

Step 6: Your MeeBhoomi phone number link is complete.

How to File Complaints on MeeBhoomi?

Follow these steps to file your complaints on the MeeBhoomi portal

  • Go to the AP MeeBhoomi website.
  • On the homepage, find the “complaints” drop-down menu.
  • Select “record of complaints” on the menu. Upon clicking a new window will open. 
  • Enter all the required information such as name, number, type of complaint, village name, etc. 
  • Enter the OTP sent to your registered number, and fill in the OTP to save your

Steps to Track Meebhoomi Complaint Status

  • Visit the MeeBhoomi official website.
  • Scroll through the ‘Complaints’ option, and select ‘Your complaint status’.
  • Enter the district name from the menu and then fill in the complaint number. Click. 
  • You will be able to view the status of your complaint.

Meebhoomi Land Conversion Detail: How to Check Status?

  • Visit the MeeBhoomi official website.
  • From the drop-down menu at the top, click on the ‘Land Conversion Detail’ option.
  • Enter district name, zone name and village name.
  • Put survey number details
  • Submit and check land conversion status. 

How to check MeeBhoomi Khata Number 

  • Visit the official MeeBhoomi documents website.
  • From the menu, select ‘Khata number’ to view your khata number details
  • Enter required details like district name, zone and village
  • Fill in your account details. Enter the captcha code for verification and click. 
  • You can view your MeeBhoomi Khata number and use it.

What is the MeeBhoomi Field Measurement Book?

The Meebhoomi Field Measurement Book is a collection of hand-drawn maps kept at the district office and used to record land availability, boundaries, and parcel size. These are often used only for reference and are not to scale. You can visit Meebhoomi FMB and search for available land parcels in the area by following the steps below:

  • Visit the MeeBhoomi portal and click on the Field Measurement Book (FMB) option on the top menu.
  • Choose the district, zone, village and survey number on the window and enter the required captcha as well. 
  • Submit the details and you will be directed to the information you’re seeking.

How to Search for Court Disputes on your Land on MeeBhoomi Portal?

Information regarding any court dispute regarding your land within the boundaries of Andhra Pradesh is also available on the MeeBhoomi portal. This feature is beneficial to both existing landowners and potentially new buyers of land in AP. To find more information regarding court disputes you can follow these steps-

  • Head over to the MeeBhoomi portal and select the “Details of Court Disputes” option on the menu.
  • Next click on the district the land is situated in to download a PDF of all land disputes in that district. 
  • Once downloaded, you can search the PDF to check if your land is mentioned in the document. 

How To Check Notice of Water Disposal Demand on MeeBhoomi Portal?

To view the notice of water disposal on the MeeBhoomi portal you need to click on the “Others” option on the top menu of the website. Then click on the “notice of water disposal” option in the drop-down menu. Enter all the required details and click submit to receive details regarding notice of water disposal. 

How To View Details of Revenue Court Cases on MeeBhoomi?

The MeeBhoomi portal also makes it easy for you to find details of revenue court cases within Andhra Pradesh. To view these documents you first need to click on the “others” option on the top menu on the MeeBhoomi portal. From the dropdown box, select “details of revenue court cases”. Clicking on this will lead you to a table listing the various districts and the number of cases or land disputes.

How To View Details of Revenue Court Cases on MeeBhoomi?
How To View Details of Revenue Court Cases on MeeBhoomi?

 Upon clicking the number listed under the court on the table, you will be led to the details of all court cases in that district. Another table will be shown displaying the district, zone name and the number of cases. After clicking on the number corresponding to the zone of your land you will be provided with the details which would include dispute ID, dispute remarks, dispute description case number, district name, Mandal name, survey number, village name, present status, petitioner name and respondent name.

How To Download Documents from Meebhoomi If You Have Lost Property Documents?

This is the process to get a duplicate copy:

Step 1: File an FIR with the concerned Police Station. It is very important to make an FIR and keep the complaint copy for future reference.

Step 2: Put out an advertisement in an English newspaper and a regional newspaper. It is a mandatory process to inform the general public of your loss of property through the newspapers. The owner has to wait for up to 15 days after the published ad to apply for the new copy

Step 3: Apply along with a duly completed Form 22 to the sub-registrar’s office.

The Process to check MeeBhoomi Survey Number

  • Visit the MeeBhoomi official website.
  • From the drop-down menu at the top, click on the ‘Survey Number’ option.
  • Enter the district name, zone name and village name.
  • Put details like zone name, village name etc. 
  • Submit and check MeeBhoomi Survey Number

Land Records on MeeBhoomi: Search by name

You can also search for your land records and other meebhoomi documents using your name. Here’s how:

  • Visit the MeeBhoomi official website.
  • From the drop-down menu at the top, click on the ‘Search by Name option.
  • Enter your name
  • Scroll through and find your land record details and other MeeBhoomi documents.

The Use of MeeBhoomi Documents

All the documents that can be downloaded from the MeeBhoomi portal are important to land records maintained by the Revenue Department of the state of Andhra Pradesh. These documents are used as proof of ownership during any land dispute and make the entire process very convenient to resolve. With the onset of the online portal, the process of registration and availing of the documents has become very easy and simple. With a few buttons, anyone can download the app and records from the Meebhoomi Search portal. 

Meebhoomi AP: Features and Benefits

  • The Andhra Pradesh government’s Meebhoomi AP website has made land records and related documentation accessible to the public. Below are some of the portal’s primary features.
  • This website allows you to view land records online.
  • The mobile application allows you to access all of the features.
  • The field management book (FMB) and village maps are available on the official website.
  • This platform facilitates the transparent receipt of encumbrance certificates or other land papers.
  • Anyone in Andhra Pradesh, regardless of district, can use this platform.
  • The website allows people to file complaints about land records.
  • SMS is used to inform office bearers and patterns of the status of any process.
  • Meebhoomi passbook status or the Meebhoomi E passbook status makes the platform easily available.

(Meebhoomi app download is an easy process and helpful)

Meebhoomi AP: How to verify the status of the Aadhar Request

Download the Meebhoomi AP for smoother functioning 

On the Meebhoomi website, you can also check the progress of Aadhaar Requests. In the Aadhaar and Other Identities menu, select the “Aadhar Request Status” tab.

Meebhoomi AP: How to Check Village Map on Meebhoomi

You can also view the Village map on the Meebhoomi AP website. If you want to check the map of the village, follow the steps below. (Download the meebhoomi passbook for smoother navigation over the website).

  • Step 1: On the home page, click the ‘Village map’ tab.
  • Step 2: You will be transferred to the next page. Click the submit button after selecting the District, Zone, and Village. The village map will be accessible over the internet.

How to Check Land Conversion Details on Meebhoomi AP?

If you want to check your land conversion details on the Meebhoomi AP website, just follow the simple procedures below. Survey number check and land survey number must be known without any confusion.

Step 1: Go to Meebhoomi AP’s official website and select the Land Conversion Details tab.

Step 2: You will be transferred to the next page.

Step 3: Choose your district, zone, village, and survey number.

Step 4: Press the send button. The information will be available on the internet.

Meebhoomi AP: Download Revenue Court Detail

If you want to check your land conversion details on the Meebhoomi AP website, just follow the simple procedures below.

Step 1: Go to Meebhoomi AP’s official website and select the Land Conversion Details tab.

Step 2: You will be transferred to the next page.

Step 3: Choose your district, zone, village, and survey number.

Step 4: Press the send button. The information will be available on the internet.

How to Check Land Conversion Details on Meebhoomi AP?

If you want to check your land conversion details on the Meebhoomi AP website, just follow the simple procedures below.

Step 1: Go to Meebhoomi AP’s official website and select the Land Conversion Details tab.

Step 2: You will be transferred to the next page.

Step 3: Choose your district, zone, village, and survey number.

Step 4: Press the send button. The internet will have all the information.

MeeBhoomi portal was started in 2015 and since then, the search and record website has helped in making the process of registration and availing the necessary documents very simple and easy. However, land-related matters can get out of hand quickly and there are a lot of rising incidents of fraud and scams. It’s always better to have expert consultation in property-related incidents. Reach out to NoBroker for the best legal experts and get an easy resolution for all your property matters. Comment on the blog below and we will reach out to you.


Q1. What is MeeBhoomi?

Ans. MeeBhoomi is an online portal where residents of Andhra Pradesh can access details about the land rights in the state and related ownership details. The website can be used to download documents like:
Adangal certificate
1b documents
RoR 1b documents
MeeBhoomi Pattadar passbook status
Encumbrance Certificate

Q2. What is meant by Adangal?

Ans. Adangal is a local term for detailed information about a piece of land. It is also called MeeBhoomi pahani. In Andhra, these records are maintained by local heads appointed for day-to-day village administration. 

Q3. How do find out about property owner details in Andhra Pradesh?

Ans. In Andhra Pradesh, RoR 1b documents can be used to avail details about a property and its owner. The RoR 1b documents can be downloaded from the MeeBhoomi portal. 

Q4. What is MeeBhoomi Helpline Number?

Ans. The best way to reach out to the authorities maintaining the MeeBhoomi portal for any queries is meebhoomi-ap@gov.in

Q5. What is meant by a digitally unsigned record?

Ans. A digital signature is a mandatory process in the MeeBhoomi portal and all the documents that are not signed will be marked in red. Until the documents are signed digitally, the process cannot be taken ahead by the department. 

Wish To Buy a House in Chennai? Here Is How the TnRera Can Help You

Wish To Buy a House in Chennai? Here Is How the TnRera Can Help You

The TNRera Rules require all real estate agents and promoters to register their properties under the Government. To register, all properties should have met the basic requirements as mandated by the RERA (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. Thus, it ensures a uniform standard in the quality of houses and prevents the buyer’s money from being wasted. In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at how the TNRERA works.

TnRera or the Tamilnadu Rera

(The RERA Act, TamilNadu  also helps maintain a steady stream of funds into the real estate industry)

It is a common occurrence where homebuyers are not satisfied with the substandard quality of build and materials used and do not get all amenities as promised. Without a RERA registration, there is no basis for customers to place their grievances to the Government. This is why a RERA Registration is essential. 

As mandated by the Government, every state will have their RERA authority to manage and oversee the properties under their jurisdiction. So naturally, the TNRera is tasked with regulating the real estate sector in Tamil Nadu. 

Responsibilities of the TamilNadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority include:

  1. Upholding rights of both homebuyers and real estate developers
  2. Creating transparency in the Real estate sector
  3. Increasing the accountability of the real estate sector
  4. Ensuring fast solutions to property disputes
  5. Creating a friendly atmosphere to attract more real estate investors
  6. Promoting efficient and timely completion of projects
  7. Providing a uniform standard for all real estate developments

TnRera Rules and Regulations – The TnRera Act

Tnrera Rules And Regulations- The Tnrera Act
(The TNRera has mainly been successful in drawing large amounts of investment in the state’s real estate market)

As mandated in the TNRera Act, there are a lot of provisions divided into 9 and 20 chapters, respectively. Some crucial duties mandated here include:

  • Verifying the required documents that a builder needs to submit for registering under TamilNadu Rera
  • Accepting declarations from promoters concerning existing projects
  • Granting or rejecting RERA Registration applications based on predetermined criteria
  • Overseeing and renewal of Agent Licenses
  • Undertaking complaint redressals in an organized manner

To check all the TnRERA Regulations, you can refer to the official Regulations PDF file.

How is it Beneficial?

The RERA Rules, Tamil Nadu has proved to be beneficial in different ways to the parties involved. It offers a wide range of services to various parties involved. Let’s see how.

For Homebuyers:

  • Homebuyers can register an online complaint against errant promoters if they are found to be non-compliant with RERA Act, Tamil Nadu.
  • They can access all submitted records of any housing project by simply visiting the TNRERA Website.

For Promoters:

  • They can easily file complaints online.
  • With the help of TnRERA, they can register any real estate project.
  • Promoters can file for extending their project,
  • They can update project details every quarter.

For Real Estate Agents:

  • They can file online complaints against non-complying and corrupt builders.
  • They can visit the website and renew their registration.

Tamilnadu RERA Website

RERA Website
(RERA Website has a host of services for different parties involved)

As mandated by the RERA Act, like every state, Tamil Nadu also has its own RERA website to oversee and regulate real estate in the state. To avail of various services, visit the official TNRera Website(https://www.rera.tn.gov.in/)

TnRera Registration

TNRera Registration
(Registering online at the TnRERA Website is no more a hassle)

You have to follow a few steps for successfully registering your project with TnRera.

  1. Visit the official TnRera Website.

2) Scroll down a little, and on the right-hand side, you will see a section for Online Registration. There are two separate links for agents and layouts. Also, choose if it is for an individual or firm. Be careful while choosing your option. 

Another way is to click on the “REGISTRATION” Tab. Then, choose if you are registering for a project or as an agent from the drop-down menu. If it is for assignment, then further select if it is in Tamil Nadu or the independent state of Andaman.

3) If you are registering as an Agent, click on REGISTRATION>AGENTS>Apply Online. Then choose if writing for an individual or firm.

4) On clicking your desired option, a window will appear. Then, under the Login section, click on the “New Registration” button. 

5) Fill in all the required details. Verify captcha and then click on the “Create New Account” button. 

Rera Registration Fees Tamilnadu

Rera Registration Fees Tamilnadu
(You have to pay a nominal registration fee for registering as an agent or for documenting your project)

According to the TNRera Rules, these are the RERA Registration fees for real estate projects in Tamil Nadu.

Project TypeComplete Fee Details
Residential buildingsRs 10 per sq. metre of FSI area for residential projects which are below 60 square metre; Rs 20 per sq. metre of FSI area for projects where unit size is more than 60 square meters.
Commercial buildings/projectsRs. 50 (per sq. m) of FSI area
Other projectsRs 25 (per sq. m) of FSI area; 
Building Layouts, sub-divisions and site approvalsRs 5 per sq. metre of plottable area excluding EWS plots (Roads and OSR excluded)

TnRERA Registration Fees(Real Estate Agents)

  • Individual Agent- Rs 25,000
  • Rs 50,000 for other than Individual agents

*Small Note: If you are a homebuyer who wants to register a complaint, you have to pay Rs 5000 if you are directly approaching the Appellate Tribunal. For other modes of complaint, homebuyers have to pay Rs1000*

TNRera Registered Projects 2021

TNRera Registered Projects 2021
(The ongoing pandemic situation has primarily affected the real estate sector in TamilNadu)

Wish to buy a house in Tamil Nadu? Protect your investment and first check all required details of housing projects on the official TnRERA Website.

TNRera News

  • Between August 24 to September 22, 2021, 145 new housing projects were registered with TnRERA.
  • As of September 22, 2021, a total of 682 housing projects have been recorded on the TnRERA website.
  • A large chunk of the approved projects in the last month is situated in the Chennai Metropolitan area.

As you can see, the TnRERA is very important for home buyers and real estate agents and builders. Besides helping ensure proper real estate regulation in Tamil Nadu, the Tamil Nadu RERA is also responsible for ensuring steady investments by maintaining its reliability. It does so by strictly monitoring and attending to grievances from all parties involved. If it gets confusing, you can always contact NoBroker experts for further assistance. Want more real estate information? Visit our blog page and discover more. If you are looking for a home just head to NoBroker to enjoy zero brokerage.


Q1. Why is TnRera important?

Ans: TnRera is tasked with regulating all the real estate projects in Tamil Nadu so that there is no compromise with standards and projects get finished on time. Thus, it is beneficial for both developers and home buyers.

Q2. Is there any registration fee for RERA?

Ans: Yes. There is a standard RERA Registration fee applicable which varies depending on the type of project, project size and ownership.

Q3. Where can one check RERA details of housing projects?

Ans: You can visit the official RERA Tamil Nadu website and check the details of any registered housing project.

Q4. How can I check the TnRERA Rules and Regulations?

Ans: To check all the TnRERA Regulations, you can refer to the official Regulations PDF file.

Q5. Can one file complaints through the TnRERA Website?

Ans: Agents and prospective homebuyers can file complaints through the website by paying a nominal fee.

Form 16 – Why Is It Important for Your Income Tax Returns

Form 16 – Why Is It Important for Your Income Tax Returns

If you are an earning citizen of the country, you must have heard about Form 16. But do you really know why this document is important for you? 

The annual return is the only way to report to the Indian Revenue Service (IRS) the income and expenses that were generated during the financial year, in order to contribute to the payment of taxes. This is a document that taxpayers, whether an individual or a legal entity, must present and/or send to the tax authority.

The process to do this is different according to the type of taxpayer and the regime in which they are registered. As a salaried individual, you are allowed to do the procedure either online or by visiting an administrative office. While there are certain documents that are mandatory to be submitted by salaried individuals during the filing of your income tax return, Form 16 is one of those vital documents to complete the procedure.

Form 16 is required to prove your tax compliance and is a valid document for loan sanctions. All employer issues Form 16 to their employees before the 31st of May of each financial year. Form 16 means that TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) has been deducted and deposited with the Government of India on behalf of the employee.

Man filing Form 16
Man filing taxes online

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the Form 16 format, its importance and how to download Form 16 online.

What is Form 16?

What is Form 16
A glimpse of Form 16

Income Tax form 16 is essentially a ‘salary certificate’ that employers in India are obligated to issue to employees as per Section 203 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. It contains a detailed description of the salary issued to the employee by the company in a particular financial year and the TDS deducted. The TDS is calculated based on the Income Tax slab rates for that particular financial year.

The Income Tax Form 16 details provide a lot of benefits to salaried individuals. Let’s take a look at how:

  • You can easily file your Income Tax Return with the form 16 details without needing the help of any accountants or financial planners.
  • Form 16 is considered an important document for tax compliance. During any income tax-related investigation, an individual can produce their form 16 to prove that they have paid tax according to government regulations.
  • Banks and financial institutions that lend money also consider Form 16 as valid income proof. This is particularly true in the case of loan applications where Form 16 is mandatory for verification.
  • If you are switching jobs, a lot of employers demand Form 16 from previous employers during their onboarding process.
  • Not only this, a lot of visa checklists such as the Schengen visa for 26 European nations mention Form 16 as a mandatory document.

Form 16 is important for both your business and travel needs. The TDS form 16 certificate has two components- A and B. Let’s get into the details.

What Does Part A of Form 16 Include?

Form 16A
Form 16A

Form 16A for salaried individuals contains details of the TDS amount deducted and deposited quarterly, along with PAN and TAN details of the employer. It also contains the name and address of the employer and the employee’s PAN details. 

A lot of people often use the terms form 16 and form 16A interchangeably. However, in reality, the difference is vast. The difference is in who issues it. Form 16A for salaried individuals has details of the TDS deducted on incurred income other than the salary. 

For example, if you have a Fixed Deposit then the bank will deduct a TDS on the interest generated by the FD. Hence, the bank will issue you Form 16A. In other cases where Form 16A is generated are TDS on rent receipts, insurance commissions and any other cases which are liable for deduction.

Kindly note that if an individual cannot download his/her Form 16A, the employer should always download and issue it to the employees. Employees can download Form 16 through the TRACES portal. The employer should authenticate all the contents before handing them to employees.

What is Included in Part B of Form 16?

Form 16B
Form 16B

This is an annexure to part B of Income Tax Form 16. According to the Form 16 format, part B contains the full breakup of your salary details and other deductions as mandated by Section VI A. Chapter VI A of Income Tax Act basically comprises a lot of subsections of section 80 based on which an assessee can claim deductions from the gross total income.

Form 16 Online Contains the Following Components

  • Gross salary incurred: The structure of the salary is further broken down into several parts namely the House Rent Allowance, Leave Encashment, Leave Travel Allowance, Gratuity along with many other components.
  • Exemptions: According to Sec (10) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, this includes Conveyance, House rent (HRA), Children’s education, hostel expenditure and medical costs.
  • Gross Income: This is the total of the salary received from the office and from other sources such as income earned from house/property etc. If there is an additional source of income, one should share it with the employer during the submission of investment proofs.
  • Part of Salary Deductions:  If you have made investments in schemes like Life Insurance policies, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna, Public Provident Fund (PPF), any Recognized Pension Scheme, or Mutual Funds, as mentioned in Section 80 C / 80 CCC / 80 CCD, these investments are considered as partial deductions from your salary. Apart from the above-mentioned categories, deductions towards MediClaims, education loans, and donations are covered under section 80D/80G/80E. The deductions cannot cross the limit of INR. 1,50,000. All employees need to submit all such investment supporting documents to the employer as and when required.
  • Net Taxable Salary: The total sum of deductions as mandated under “Chapter IV-A” to be subtracted from your gross income. This is your Net Taxable salary. This is the amount taken into account for the calculation of your net payable taxes. 
  • Some other components of the form are, Education Cess and surcharges, tax deducted and the balance tax due or refund applicable, rebate under Section 87, total payable tax on income, and relief under Section 89, if applicable.

The employee can download Form 16B from the TRACES site by following a few simple steps:

a) Firstly, register on the TRACES site as a new user with the help of your PAN number. The User Id is your PAN no and the password is of your choice

TRACES registration page
TRACES registration page

b) If you are already registered, then visit the official TRACES website and log in by entering your User ID and Form 16 password. 

TRACES login page
TRACES login page

c) Click the Downloads Tab.

d) Select Form 16B 

e) Enter the required details and click on ‘Go’.

f) You can choose which file to download from the list

TRACES File download Page
TRACES File Download Page

Approved Deductions Under the Income Tax Act 

Approved Deductions Under the Income Tax Act
Scattered image of blocks spelling Tax Deduction
  • Deductions from salary in the form of a premium paid for life insurance deductions, PPF contributions and others under Section 80C as well as Deduction for contribution to pension funds under Section 80CCC
  • Under section 80CCD (1) it is mandatory to make deductions in favour of contributions to pension schemes made by the employees
  • Deduction towards a notified pension scheme as the taxpayer’s self-contribution is also approved under Section 80CCD(1B)
  • Employer’s contribution to any pension scheme, also falls under the category of permitted deductions, under Section 80CCD (2)
  • The deduction is based on the amount of premium paid for health insurance under Section 80D
  • Deductions based on interest paid on higher education loans under Section 80E
  • Deductions based on donations are mandated as per Section 80G
  • Deductions based on Savings account interest incomes under Section 80TTA

Details Required While Filing Your Return from Form 16 

Filling up a Form 16
Filling up a Form 16

Part B annexure form


As you can see in the images above, you will need certain details from your Income-tax form 16 while filing your Income Tax Return:

  • Exempted allowances as mandated under Section 10
  • Deduction breakups as mandated under Section16
  • Amount of the salary taxable
  • Income or loss incurred from house property in the form of TDS
  • Income that falls under the heading Other Sources paid as TDS
  • Section 80C Deductions and the breakup
  • The aggregate of gross and net deductible allowances, under Section 80C Deductions
  • Due Tax Payable 

What are the Eligibility Criteria for Form 16?

Eligibility Criteria for Form 16
Employer handing over the Form 16 to an employee

 As mandated by the Finance Ministry of the Indian government, all salaried individuals who fall under the income tax bracket are eligible for form no 16. In cases where the employee does not fall under this bracket, TDS is not deducted. Under these circumstances, the employer is not obligated to issue a Form 16. However, nowadays a lot of organizations issue Form no 16 for such employees too as a good work ethic. 

 Things to Remember While Checking Form 16

  • Once an employee receives his/her Form 16, it is very important to check all the information and ensure that it is correct. 
  • Go through your personal details thoroughly and also verify the gross income and deducted TDS details. 
  • Make sure to double-check the PAN number. Any discrepancy will lead to legal complications.  In the event of any discrepancies, one must immediately contact the Human Resource, Finance or Payroll Department and get the information corrected
  • The employer will thereby issue an error-free and updated TDS form 16 to the employee. The employer will also be responsible for updating the Income Tax details to make sure the salary is credited to the right PAN account.

Upload Form 16 and File Income Tax Return

Upload Form 16 and File Income Tax Return
Woman filing ITR 

You can file your Income Tax returns both offline and online. To upload your Form 16 online, you don’t need to do much. Simply, click here and add your form 16. The software will automatically pick up relevant information from your Form 16 and file your Income Tax return.

Form 16 is an extremely vital document for filing your Income Tax returns. The above details will make this process a little less complex. However, if you’re looking for a way to save on tax, the BEST way is by investing in real estate! If you’re looking to buy a house, check NoBroker for plenty of options for every budget. Click the link below and get started on your search.


1) Why is Form 16 so important?

Ans. Your TDS form 16 is very important in proving your tax compliance. It is particularly helpful when banks/ financial institutions do salary verifications before sanctioning a loan.

2) Who is eligible for Form no 16?

Ans. Any salaried individual who falls under the tax bracket of the current financial year is eligible to be issued a Form 16.

3) What steps can an employee take if there are discrepancies in PAN numbers or personal details?

Ans. The employee should immediately contact the HR/Payroll/Finance Department and get the information corrected.

4) From where can I download Form 16B?

Ans. You can download Form 16B from the TRACES official website.

5) Are Form 16 and 16A the same?

Ans. No. They are vastly different. Income tax Form 16 refers to the TDS deducted on your salary while Form 16A is issued by banks or financial commissions to inform you of TDS deducted on your other sources of income or assets.

Villangam Certificate Explained – Here’s Why It’s Important to Get One

Villangam Certificate Explained – Here’s Why It’s Important to Get One

When you’re purchasing or selling a property, you need several documents. One of the most important documents required in dealing with property is a villangam certificate; this certificate is essential to establish that the property owned by a person is free of any financial liability, loan, or mortgage. It secures the ownership of the property. It is also known as an encumbrance certificate. The word encumbrance means a mortgage or any other claim on a property. It ensures that the property has a legal title.

Along with this, it contains the transactions made during a specific period regarding the property. If no transaction has been made, then a nil encumbrance certificate is issued for the property. You can apply for this certificate offline as well as online. The offline registration occurs in the sub-registrar office, while the online registration takes place on the official website of the registration and stamps department. You can easily access your villangam certificate by downloading it. 

Villangam Certificates
Villangam Certificates

What does a Villangam Certificate Mean?

One of the essential legal documents which prove that you legally own the property is the villangam certificate. It is often known as an encumbrance certificate, but in Tamil Nadu, it is popularly known as a villangam certificate. It is formed when a property is registered while purchasing or selling. This certificate states that the property is free of any loan or mortgage. It is compulsory to make this certificate for property transactions. Without this certificate, you are not eligible for any other loans. Along with this, it helps you to secure your legal title over the property.

How to Apply for a Villangam Certificate Online in Tamil Nadu?

A Villangam certificate is usually obtained at the sub-registrar office of the area under whose jurisdiction the property lies. But it is also available online on the official website of the registration department of the Tamil Nadu Government. 

A popular question that is asked is  “How to apply Villangam certificate online?” You can get your Villangam certificate online by following the given steps.

Step 1:

First, you need to log in to the registration department’s official website, If you don’t have an account, then you need to register yourself on the website first. 

While creating an account, you will have to provide details about your identification number. This can be your PAN or driving license, etc.

Step 2:

After login or registration, you have to go to the homepage and then choose the encumbrance certificate option. After this, click on the search and apply for the encumbrance certificate. 

Step 3:

Fill in the required details, which are location, survey details, time, house details, and additional information. 

In the location part, you will have to provide the zone, district, and sub-registrar office of the area where the property is located. 

In the time section, add the starting and ending date of the villangam certificate.

In survey details, you have to fill in the village name and the survey number, and the subdivision number. 

House details include the plot number, flat, door number, wardrobe number, boundary details, build-up area, and property extent. 

Additional details include old survey number, old door number, declared owner, and father’s name and any registered document that you may have. 

Step 4:

After providing all the required details, click on search. Then click on the apply online option to proceed. 

Step 5:

Fill in your name and contact details, and then click on the payment option. Fill in the payment details and click on the payment option. Fill in the e- payment details and choose your bank to make the payment. 

Step 6:

After completing the payment process, provide your bank reference number along with the transaction details. After the officials’ approval, the villangam certificate will be sent to your provided login details in the form of a QR code and get a notification SMS. You can also check your certificate’s status in the request lists option under the website’s encumbrance certificate option. This option comes under E-services. The application process takes around 2-3 working days for processing.

Villangam Certificates
Villangam Certificates

How to Apply for a Villangam Certificate Offline

You can comfortably apply for a villangam certificate offline too. For this, you are required to submit a written application in the sub-registrar office along with the required documents. These documents include address proof, property details, and title details. You would also have to pay a registration fee. After the officials have verified the legality of the provided documents, the villangam certificate is issued within a month of applying. In addition to that, you will also get a reference number. This reference number or acknowledgement number can be used to track the status of your villangam certificate.  

The steps in simplicity are as follows:

  • Carry the required documents including the attested property details, address proof, title details, as well as your identifying documents to request an application for an EC 
  • Fill the application with the asked details and submit them at the local sub-registrar’s office along with the documents you have carried
  • The authorities will take some time – around 15-20 days to go through the documents and the application to examine their legality and qualifications
  • You will be then issued an Encumbrance certificate or Villangam with the all the details of the transactions (in the case of without transactions, you will get a NIL Encumbrance certificate)

After the offline process, you will be able to get the Villangam certificate downloaded from the official government website, just like everyone else. 

How to Check a Villangam Certificate Online Tamil Nadu

To do a Villangam check online, all you have to do is go to the registration department’s official website. After this, click on E-services. Choose the encumbrance certificate option, and in the requests section, you can check your certificate. To search for the required area, you can follow the same steps used in the certificate’s online application.

How to Download a Villangam Certificate Online

To download a Villangam certificate, you have to visit the official web portal of the registration department of Tamil Nadu. Your EC Tamilnadu can be viewed online from the Tami Nadu Registration department portal. You have to click on the encumbrance certificate option and choose the view or download the encumbrance certificate. You can then download your Villangam certificate. You can also access it via the QR code provided to you on your registered contact after the certificate is ready. 

What is a Nil Encumbrance Certificate?

A nil-encumbrance certificate is issued for a property that hasn’t had any transaction in the time during which the owner applied for an encumbrance certificate. It is also published at the sub-registrar office. 

It is essential to get a villangam certificate to legalize that your property doesn’t carry any financial liability in the form of a bank loan. When it comes to legal matters and paperwork, you have to be especially careful. So to be on the safe side, always try to hire a professional. You can avail of these services from NoBroker without breaking a sweat. NoBroker services include legal assistance and home loans in addition to home services. With Legal services from NoBroker, you can rest easy that all the important documents will be thoroughly checked so you don’t face any loss. Click below to learn more about this service. 


Q1. What is the use of a villangam certificate?

Ans. A villangam certificate is used to check the legality of the title. It is imperative while purchasing or selling a property as it verifies ownership, mortgage liability, property schedule, deed type, history of the registered transaction, registration date, allotment number, and ownership. If a property doesn’t have an encumbrance certificate made, it doesn’t have a marketing title, and thus it cannot be sold.

Q2. What are the requirements for making a villangam certificate?

Ans. For a villangam certificate to be made, you have to make sure that the property is clear of any financial liability or mortgage. If it has any pending loans, then it is not possible to make a villangam certificate. During the registration process, you have to ensure that you have the required documents. Along with this, you have to provide accurate identification details, address, and contact number, which you would like your villangam certificate to be issued. 

Q3. What documents are required for a villangam certificate?

Ans. It would be best if you had the required documents prepared to get a villangam certificate. These documents include property sale deed/gift deed/release deed/relinquishment deed, etc. This is only needed when a deed has been made in the past. In addition to this, other documents like property registration documents and address proof are also required.

Q4. How is a villangam certificate different from a completion certificate?

Ans. A villangam certificate or encumbrance certificate is a legal document that establishes that the property being bought or sold is free of mortgages and financial liabilities and has no loan pending. The sub-registrar is responsible for issuing a villangam certificate. In comparison, a completion certificate is a document provided by the municipal corporation or the local authorities, which approves that the building or plan has met all the required standards; this occurs after the completion of the project.

Q5. How much time does it take to issue a villangam certificate?

Ans. The time taken to issue a villangam certificate depends on how you applied for the certificate. In the online process, it takes about 2 to 3 days for the processing to take place. Whereas in the offline method, you have to wait for about 15-30 days to get your certificate.

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