How to Get Rid of Termites: Tips and Tricks

How to get rid of termites is a pressing concern in many Indian homes, where wood features prominently in both interiors and exteriors. These pests, not limited to wood, can quickly wreak havoc, necessitating effective pest control methods. This article delves into identifying signs of infestation and exploring both home remedies and lasting solutions to combat termites.

how to get rid of termites

Things we covered for you


Signs of Termite Infestation in Your Home

Termites can show up in a variety of ways. Subterranean termites’ mud tubes, hollow-sounding wood, and all termite frass and abandoned wings are all tell-tale clues. Peeling paint could be an indication of termites, yet it could be something else entirely. A clicking sound could indicate that termites are pounding their heads on your walls.

The following are some of the more noticeable termite infestation symptoms:

  •         Mud tubes are formed.
  •         Damaged wood 
  •         Doors and windows that are misaligned
  •       Swarms of termites
  •         Termite mounds

10 Effective Home Remedies for Termite Removal

1. Neem Oil Application: Neem oil, known for its pungent aroma, serves as an effective termite deterrent. Its natural insecticidal properties make it safe for use within wooden structures, targeting termites without the toxicity of synthetic chemicals.

2. Clove Oil Solution: Create a simple yet potent anti-termite spray by mixing clove oil with water. This natural concoction can be sprayed on infested areas to eliminate termites efficiently.

3. Orange Oil Treatment: Leverage the power of orange oil, containing d-limonene, a potent pest-repelling compound. A mixture of orange oil and water can effectively target termites and other household pests.

4. White Vinegar Mixture: Utilize the common household ingredient, white vinegar, by blending it with lemon juice and water. This mixture acts as an accessible and effective solution against termite infestation.

5. Diatomaceous Earth: This natural substance is not only lethal to termites but also to other pests like carpenter ants, making it a versatile and recommended option for natural pest control.

6. Boric Acid Sprinkling: Known as borax, boric acid disrupts the nervous system of pests including termites. It’s recognized as one of the most reliable home remedies for termite eradication.

7. Petroleum Jelly or Aloe Vera: In absence of other remedies, petroleum jelly or aloe vera can be effective alternatives. Both substances work by suffocating termites, offering a natural solution for homeowners.

8. Salt Solution: Common table salt, dissolved in water and sprayed, can dehydrate and eventually kill termites, offering a simple yet effective termite control home remedy.

9. Heat Treatment: Exposing the infested area to temperatures of around 120 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes can provide an immediate solution to termite problems.

10. Cold Treatment: As an alternative to heat, reducing temperatures to around 15 degrees Fahrenheit for four days can effectively eliminate termites, although it requires a longer duration to see results.

How to Get Rid of Termites in Wood?

How To Get Rid Of Termites In Wood
How To Get Rid of Termites in Wood?

As mentioned above, wood is very prone to termite infestation if not properly taken care of. Below are a few home remedies for termites and chemical methods on how to treat them. 

Sunlight Exposure  

The answer on how to prevent termites naturally is sunlight exposure. Moisture and darkness are ideal conditions for termites to thrive. Allow for two to three days of continuous exposure to sunlight for your hardwood furniture. Termites are unable to withstand the heat and quickly die. This procedure also aids in the removal of moisture from the furniture by preventing the spread of infection. The procedure is so simple and effective that it has been termed – the best termite treatment at home.
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Boric Acid

If you need a non-toxic process on how to kill termites, then this is the method for you. Spray the afflicted areas with a solution made from borax powder and water. You will notice that after a few applications, you can solve the problem of how to get rid of termites. You can improve your results by daily sun exposure.

Oil Treatment

Equally effective are orange and neem oils. When termites come into contact with the former, a chemical called d-limonene kills them quickly. However, once termites consume neem oil, it begins to work. For optimal effects, repeatedly pour or spray these oils over the afflicted regions. Looking for a method on how to kill termites at home, you could easily try this one. 

How to Get Rid of Termites in Furniture?

How To Get Rid Of Termites In Furniture
if there is a deep infestation, then call for professional exterminators

The termite control methods that are given above for how to remove termites from wood, work for furniture as well. To completely help your problem of how to control termites at home, additional tips are given below.

Tips On How to Prevent Termites from Coming Back to Your Furniture

If you need solutions on how to get rid of termites at home, then read the methods given below- 

  • Make sure that your furniture is not exposed to any type of moisture.
  • Apply aloe vera gel to wooden furniture once in a while as a protective coating.
  • Invest in a quality wood polish and have it applied by a professional to all of your wooden furniture.
  • Remove any unneeded wooden things from your home as they are breeding grounds for pests.
  • You must regularly get expert chemical treatments done if you live near or in the coastal city. 

How to Get Rid of Termites in Wall?

How To Get Rid Of Termites In Wall
Termite infestation in walls can leave permanent damage

Termite infestation in walls can prove to be expensive. So, the first and best home remedy for termites in a wall is to keep your house ventilated and clean. Make sure that all water leakages are fixed. Given below is a list to get rid of termites in the house naturally to keep your home free from infestation.
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Vinegar can be used to kill termites in a variety of ways. You can use vinegar in the following ways:

Its purest form

In a 1:1 ratio – dissolved in water.

In a 1:2 ratio – mixed with lemon juice.

In a 1:4 ratio – mixed with olive oil

(All these ingredients are available in your pantry).

Vinegar diluted in water or vinegar mixed with lemon juice is the most powerful homemade termite killer recipe other termite solutions for home, depending on your tastes, are also available. After you’ve made the solution, spray it throughout the house in any areas where termites might be hiding. Spray the mix in the visible holes. At first glance, the termites may appear to be unaffected. Make sure you maintain spraying until the solution has soaked all of the wood. 

Repeat the Process

Allow time for the wall to dry before repeating the process. After 2 to 3 days, reapply the spray. It could take anything from 3 days to a few weeks to eliminate all termites. However, once you’ve sprayed the wall a second time, all you have to do now is sit back and wait for the termites to die. If termites are still present in your home after three weeks, you should plan on getting another treatment. You should also look closely to see where they’re hiding and block any gaps where they might return.

Vinegar has proven to be one of the strongest elements in the answer to how to remove termites from home.

How to Get Rid of Flying Termites?

How To Get Rid Of Flying Termites
How to Get Rid of Flying Termites

If you notice a swarm of termites with wings, you should examine to ensure that a colony hasn’t formed in your home. Do not be alarmed if you see a swarm of flying termites or a colony in your home. Below is a guide to termite control with home remedies and other methods, for your assistance. 

Zappers for Bugs

Termites, like most insects, enjoy being exposed to light. If it’s a bug zapper, this light will attract them and electrocute them. This strategy only works if the flying termites are outside the house, but it is one that professional exterminators recommend. You can kill them with a fly swatter, but this is more practical.

The goal is to turn off as many lights as possible in your home, as well as any outdoor lights. If many light sources are present, the chances of effectively zapping these bugs to death are reduced.

Cedar Mulch: Best DIY Method to Get Rid of Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites despise the colours and resins present in cedar mulch, which is made up of plant and wood debris. You can use cedar mulch instead of all-natural organic soil around your house.

Protect your home by erecting a physical barrier. When utilised appropriately, cedar mulch functions well in the answer of how to get rid of termites naturally. If you don’t use well-draining cedar mulch, you’ll collect too much water and negate the objective.

River Rock

River rock is a good mix of cedar mulch and normal dirt. Because there is lots of room between the boulders for water to move, rock drains easily. It also provides no additional food for termites. They consume cellulose from the soil, which rocks lack. You can buy river rocks in bulk and then use them to replace your soil. Just make sure there’s somewhere for the water to go. This won’t work in plant beds that don’t have any drainage.

How to Get Rid of Termites in the Soil?

How To Get Rid Of Termites In The Soil
White vinegar works well as a termite control method.

If youare wondering how to get rid of termites from your soil, then there are a number of home remedies that will work for you. Termite infestation is chaos to have and therefore to help you, listed below are a few termite control methods. 

White Vinegar

Another method how to get rid of termites is with a solution of white vinegar and lemon juice. Mix one cup of vinegar and the juice of two lemons and store it in a container.

Spray this mixture on the potted plants or soil every day until the termites are gone.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper powder or spray has proven to be successful in getting rid of termites. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which destroys termites’ nerve systems and kills them.

You can either spray the powder straight on the termites or mix it with vegetable oil, water, and pepper powder to make a spray. Spray it once a week to eradicate termites. 

Insecticidal Soap

You can kill termites with insecticidal soap, which builds a coating on them and damages their breathing system. You can use a spray bottle to combine the soap with water and spray it on the termites every few days until they are all dead.

How to Get Rid of Termites in Plants?

How To Get Rid Of Termites In Plants
A simple control method is to water your plants carefully to avoid termites.

Moist environment attracts termite infestation. The methods given below are DIY’s and will help you have a clear home.

Wet Cardboard Trap

In almost every home, there are old and useless boxes or cardboard. By saturating the cardboard with water and placing it near a termite colony, you may produce a natural and effective termite trap. Because damp cardboard has both moisture and cellulose, termites will attack it. After that, it can be taken out and burned.


Nematodes are parasitic worms that are the most effective natural termite control solution. Termites are a favourite food of parasitic nematodes. Nematodes can be found at a variety of stores and can also be acquired online. Place these tiny worms in areas where termites are present. Nematodes proliferate and feed on termites until the colony is destroyed. This is a full-proof idea of how to kill termites at home.

Water Your Plants Carefully

You create a wet environment that attracts pests like termites if you spray water all over your potted plants or overwater the soil. Stick your finger 1-2 inches into the potting soil to see when it’s time to water the plants. It’s time to water the plant if the tip of your finger doesn’t feel moist.

Effective Strategies for Termite Prevention in Your Home

Preventing termites is crucial for safeguarding your home and can lead to substantial savings. Since termites thrive in moist environments, it’s vital to eliminate dampness around your property. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Regular Inspections: Regularly check for plumbing leaks, improper soil grading, and ensure air conditioners are not causing moisture build-up.
  • Minimize Wood Contact: Reduce wood-to-ground contact as much as possible. Replacing soil near wooden structures with sand can deter termites, as they cannot tunnel through sand.
  • Proper Storage: Avoid leaning firewood against your home and remove any tree stumps from your yard.
  • Construction Considerations: Maintain a minimum of six inches of clearance between the soil and any wooden parts of structures like decks and porches. When building or renovating, opt for termite-resistant wood and consider pre-treating wood.
  • Gutter Maintenance: Keep gutters and drainage spouts clear to prevent water accumulation.
  • Ventilation and Barrier Protection: Use termite-resistant steel mesh to cover vents and other openings on your home’s exterior. This will maintain necessary ventilation while blocking termite access.

By implementing these preventative measures and maintaining your home’s exterior, you can effectively keep termites at bay. Regular professional inspections are also key to early detection and prevention of termite infestations.

DIY Termite Control vs. Professional Control

At-home care like boric acid for termites is an alternative if you’d like to conserve money and you’ve identified your issue quickly. However, keep in mind that termite damage can soon result in severe or irreparable structural damage to your home. At the first stages of termite infestation, DIY techniques like using the best termite killer spray or borax powder for termites can be effective, but more extensive infestations may call for professional bait systems and fumigation.

Before your home is significantly destroyed, it may be recommended consulting a professional exterminator if you have a huge colony already established or if you are unsure of your ability to handle the bug infestation yourself. In the long term, both time and money will be saved.

How to get rid of termites is an imposing question for homeowners. Termite infestations are a hassle, and if not contained, create permanent damage. The article above, in detail, gives termite control methods that are mainly home remedies. If you still have any queries, head to the NoBroker Forum for your answers. Looking for assistance? Drop a comment below, and our team at NoBroker will shortly reach you. 

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Q1. What are termite baits?

Ans. Termite baits, placed around your home’s foundation, attract termites with a slow-acting poison. This toxin disrupts their growth, leading to death during moulting. As it works gradually, infected termites carry the poison back to their colony, spreading it among others, enhancing its effectiveness.

Q2. How to kill termites in wood?

Ans. Termite infestation in wood, if not dealt with quickly, causes a lot of damage to the furniture. The basic home remedies for this are – sunlight exposure, orange oil spray or an exterminator.

Q3. How to get rid of dry wood termites?

Ans. Dry wood termites can be controlled by drilling and filling holes in painted or varnished wood. To start, drill holes every 10 inches or so into the termite-infested wood. Once you reach the nest, you will encounter resistance. Then use termiticide to plug the holes. To finish, fill the holes with putty or a wood patch.

Q4.Are nematodes effective in eradicating termites?

Ans. Nematodes are parasitic worms that are the most effective natural termite control solution. Termites are a favourite food of parasitic nematodes. Nematodes can be found at a variety of stores and can also be acquired online.

Q5. What is the best chemical to kill termites effectively?

Ans. The best chemical for termites is typically a slow-acting termiticide, ensuring thorough colony elimination.

Q6. What are the most commonly used termite treatment chemicals in professional pest control?

Ans. Common termite treatment chemicals include fipronil, imidacloprid, and hexaflumuron, known for their effectiveness in eradicating termite colonies.

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Susan has close to 10 years of experience in the hotel industry and is well aware of how presentation and the small things matter. She has worked with various firms and helped to transform many homes and business. Design-Create-Transform that’s the code she lives by. Her blogs focus on way to help others make small changes that will create huge impacts.

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