Mantri Mall Seized by BBMP for Unpaid Taxes, Trade License Suspended

Bengaluru, Karnataka – May 10, 2024: In a dramatic move this morning, officials from the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) descended upon Mantri Mall, a prominent shopping centre in Bengaluru, and locked its doors. The action comes after Mantri Mall reportedly failed to pay property taxes amounting to a staggering ₹50 crore (approximately $6.5 million USD).

mantri mall seized by bbmp for unpaid taxes trade license suspended

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This isn’t the first time the mall has faced closure due to tax arrears. According to news reports, BBMP had previously issued warnings and implemented temporary shutdowns in an attempt to collect the outstanding dues. However, these efforts proved unsuccessful, prompting the corporation to take more drastic measures.
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The seizure of Mantri Mall and the suspension of its trade license have caused significant disruption. Hundreds of shoppers and employees were reportedly caught off guard by the sudden closure. The incident has also sparked concerns about the economic impact on businesses located within the mall, with some fearing potential job losses.

Mantri Mall management has reportedly expressed their intention to contest the closure in court. It remains to be seen how long the mall will remain shut and how the situation will be resolved.

Key Points:

  • BBMP seized Mantri Mall in Bengaluru due to non-payment of property taxes of ₹50 crore.
  • This is not the first instance of closure due to tax arrears.
  • The sudden move caused disruption for shoppers and employees.
  • Mall management plans to challenge the closure in court.
  • The incident raises concerns about economic repercussions for businesses within the mall.

This situation highlights the ongoing challenges faced by local authorities in Bengaluru to collect taxes effectively. It also underscores the potential consequences for businesses that fail to comply with their tax obligations.

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