The Origin of the Feng Shui Frog

Legend says that the three-legged Chinese frog was one of the wives of the 8 immortals who turned into a frog after ingesting her husband’s immortality elixir.

Feng shui Frog Placement Ideas

The Feng Shui Frog must be placed on an elevated pedestal. You can have more than one Feng Shui Frog in an area. Here’s how you can place them…

Feng shui Frog at the Entrance

A Feng Shui Frog placed at the entrance should face the door. Make sure that the frog is not in line with the door.

Feng Shui Frog in Your Office

You can place a Feng Shui frog diagonally at the front entrance of your office. It can point inside or in the direction of the room’s interiors.

A Feng Shui Frog for the Garden

The Feng Shui Frog can be placed near your garden pond, or at the far left corner of your backyard garden to usher in prosperity.

Things to Avoid while placing the Feng Shui Frog

Don’t place the Frog figurine directly on the floor. Also, avoid placing the figurine in a high place.

Benefits of a Feng Shui Frog

Better health, Wisdom and better fortune are some of the benefits of placing a  Feng Shui Frog in your home. The figurine is also associated with career growth and prosperity.