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Why should you get your home inspected?

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Get a complete home inspection done


  • Full House Inspection
  • Inventory Log
  • Full House Video
  • Painting Interior
  • Plumbing Check
  • Flooring
  • Inspection Report
  • Electrical Check
  • Dampness Report
  • Exterior
  • Construction
  • Sump Inspection
  • Exterior electricals
  • Painting Exterior
  • Exterior Plumbing Check
  • Full House Inspection
  • Inventory Log
  • Electrical Check
  • Painting Interior
  • Plumbing Check
  • Full House Video
  • Dampness Report
  • Flooring
  • Inspection Report
  • Sump Inspection
  • Exterior electricals
  • Painting Exterior
  • Exterior Plumbing Check
  • Exterior
  • Construction
  • Full House Inspection
  • Inventory Log
  • Electrical Check
  • Painting Interior
  • Plumbing Check
  • Full House Video
  • Dampness Report
  • Flooring
  • Exterior
  • Construction
  • Inspection Report
  • Sump Inspection
  • Exterior electricals
  • Painting Exterior
  • Exterior Plumbing Check

Testimonial from Our Customers

Brajesh Kumar

"I found the tenant move in and move out inspection very handy during the settlement process with my owner.The inspection report was very comprehensive and included all my amenities list along with their condition, brand and other minor details."

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Home Inspection needed?


What all is included in the inventory list?


How happens if defects are identified in the Inspection?


What is Included in Comprehensive Home Inspection?


What is property inspection and why is it important?

A property inspection process is a thorough examination of a building structure or property to ascertain its current state and identify any concerns that may arise in the future. Most real estate contracts include inspections as a mandatory component of the buying process. A property inspection officer will visually examine the structure, including the basement, attic, roof, internal and external walls, plumbing, and outside structures. The inspection does not make any holes in the walls or drill into the ground as part of the inspection, nor does he or she perform any other intrusive procedures that could potentially damage the property. Property inspections are important because buyers benefit from a thorough examination of a property before making an offer, while sellers gain insight into any areas that may need fixing or upgrades to bring them into compliance with local building codes. But what is the point of it for you as a citizen who wants to purchase an asset such as an office space or a dream home? How do you make sure there are no inherent flaws that can affect your long-term stay in this property? This blog dives into it all and explains in detail. Read on!

What is the point of a property inspection process?

Once the ideal house has been located, a thorough inspection must be performed prior to the transfer of ownership. This will guarantee that the property is delivered to you in the condition described in the contract. Here are some more reasons why you shouldn’t gloss over the property inspection process:

Quality inspection: A quality property inspection shows the house's structure and attachments. The buyer can estimate repair and maintenance costs with quality inspection. It also tells you which things need to be replaced and which will be serviced or maintained. Before signing, quality must be checked. If you're not happy with the house, just 1%, then can withdraw your offer.

Helps with cost projections: An inspector can estimate large installations and repairs. They can evaluate the structure's condition and age of finishes. Inspector will give you future expenditures to aid budget.

Inspection helps negotiate: Collect the inspector's report. You might ask the seller for repairs or a price reduction based on the house inspection report. Work with the estate agent to determine the best requests to make.

House inspection reveals safety: All buildings should be inspected for chemical components, particulate matter, and mould. Check the house's safety walls, smoke alarms, and adjacent garage. Walls, roofing, columns, foundation. The inspector can't directly inspect it. Cracks or settling are secondary signs of foundation problems.

Inspection reveals illegal add-ons: A property inspection can disclose whether a building is within an authorised limit and check for fake documents or unlawful additions. An inspector will review all legal paperwork and the building's clearance certificate.

Inspection saves money: Today's home inspector is valuable. They'll give ideas on home maintenance, what to do and what not to do. Long-term, these tips will save you lakhs. Inspections reveal the house's overall condition. We are drawn to with a home based on its colour, location, or aesthetics. But there's much more to see. These flaws might make your ideal home a nightmare if not properly inspected.

What are the benefits to look for during property inspection?

A huge benefit of the property inspection process is that you avoid a critical situation where would have spent all your money on your dream house, and through the time you get back the papers, you would have no money left in your account. So, now that you've invested so much and the inspection report says there are still a lot of repairs to be done, it's time to decide if the property is worth the money and fits your budget. Here are some more benefits you should consider:

Take Precautions to Prevent Injuries: When a problem is ignored, it just gets worse with time. If a tenant fails to report a minor roof leak in a timely manner, for instance, you may have to replace the entire roof. Not only will the paint start to peel because of the moisture, but there will also be a mould issue. In the event of a problem at a rental property, having a predetermined inspection schedule will allow you to address it quickly. Experts should be enlisted for assistance because they have been trained to spot problems.

Affidavit of Lease: There are other requirements placed on the tenant by the lease agreement besides timely rent payment. The audit is a chance to see if they are keeping up with the standards. Tenants are human, and even the finest among them might get swept up with their daily lives or forget to fulfil some responsibilities and obligations. Tenants will treat your property better if they expect you to make surprise visits.

Protect the Insurance Plan: You have probably already protected your financial stake by purchasing insurance. A regular inspection schedule is a condition of your insurance coverage. It is possible to challenge the insurance policy's validity if you neglect to conduct inspections. Involve trained inspectors who can provide documentation of their findings.

Preserve Investment Worth: Keeping or improving the value of an asset is a major focus of property management. Preventative maintenance is the best way to keep your home's worth intact. Plus, you can hire independent property valuers to help you figure out how to maximise your investment.

Tenant Relationship Improvement: Relationships between landlords and tenants often don't exist at all. However, you will be compelled to engage with them if you undertake regular inspections. Meeting your tenants face to face is a great way to get to know them and is very beneficial to you. How they feel about their current living situation is something you might inquire about. You may learn a lot about how to make your home better by asking for opinions from those who have visited it. Tenants will also know they can contact you with any concerns they may have.

What is the property / home inspection checklist for a ready-to-move-in apartment?

A few things you should definitely look out for when moving into an apartment are its measurements, any plumbing & drainage issues, electrical problems, existing damages to the property to be fixed and so on. Here are some things you should remember for every aspect of the property or home inspection process.

Check the dimensions of the property: During a property inspection, checking the dimensions is a must. Room size is a primary consideration in this regard. Check if the dimensions are what the developer or vendor stated they were.

Check the space for furnishings: Another consideration when taking measurements is whether or not your current furniture will fit in the new place. If it doesn't, you may need to get new furnishings or rework your interior.

Check for any seepage and plumbing problems: You should always check to see if there are any seepages or leaks on the walls or ceilings. Leaks from the bathrooms on upper floors could potentially enter your home. In addition, monsoons may destroy your brand-new house due to structural flaws. Also, a home's drainage system, with the right slope to prevent jams and flooding, should also be checked.

Check for damages: Damage to a home that has been resold may not always be seen by the buyer. Broken windows, doors, or cabinets, scratched granite, worn flooring, and so forth are all examples. Before you sign the deed, the seller must document all defects, make you aware of them, and make any necessary repairs.

Check the plumbing and electrical systems: Make sure all the pipes in the house are in good working order and made of high-quality components. Furthermore, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, gas lines, smoke alarms, and the like are more common in today's homes. Having qualified outside inspectors check these systems over for safety and functionality is a must.

Cross-check the amenities listed out in the property brochure: You need to find out if the stated amenities are actually going to be provided. You shouldn't have to fork over money if the developer promised features but has yet to implement them. Perhaps this will offer you wiggle room to negotiate a lesser price.

Find the most reliable and pre-inspected properties with NoBroker

Finding a home that meets all your needs, and industry standards can be tough – be it due to location, neighbourhood, or even the amenities present in it. We hope this blog on property inspection has proven to be a bit helpful in your search for the right type of property or home. You can explore further on such topics including Here’s What No One Tells You About Buying a Home in India, How To Survive Landlord Inspections and even 10 Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying an Apartment in Bangalore. You can also look through a gigantic list of pre-inspected homes and properties on the NoBroker app. Without having to pay any unnecessary brokerage fees, you can simply browse through the property that meets all your requirements – all with the constant support of a dedicated relationship manager throughout the process. Click the link below to explore right away.


Q.) What is included in a house inspection?

Ans.) A home inspection comprises an examination of a home's key features and systems, as well as an examination of the surrounding acreage included with the house. The foundations, roofing, flooring, as well as window frames of the house, the heat, ventilation, electricity, and sewage systems, are all evaluated by the inspector.

Q.) What do they do in a home inspection?

Ans.) A house inspection is a comprehensive assessment of a homeowner's health performed prior to the signing of a lease purchase agreement. It protects the customer in the case of unexpected property problems.

Q.) What is the significance of property inspection?

Ans.) A home inspection is vital since it safeguards the purchaser during the acquisition of a home by revealing any needed repairs. The seller can also utilise the inspection to establish that such property is already in good shape before advertising it for sale.

Q.) What is the goal of a house inspection?

Ans.) A house inspection is performed to identify any potential problems or repairs that may be required prior to the closing of a property transaction. The inspection guarantees that both buyer and seller are informed of the property's condition during the sale.

Q.) What is considered a defect in a home inspection?

Ans.) Any change in dimensions of the property, lack of space for furnishings, effective seepage, electrical systems, lack of amenities etc. are considered to be defects in a property inspection.